Jumble Characters Option
I would love a feature where you could jumble characters in a text box to simulate what you see in many Children's based design elements of titles and such. Currently you have to outline your text and then start manually turning your letters slightly while pushing and pulling your kerning/spacing and baselines. Possibly three options; rotate clockwise, counter-clockwise and random with sliding scales for how extreme to turn them.
Meanwhile, there is a script that may come in handy:
https://github.com/johnwun/js4ai/blob/master/textTweaker.js -
Not exactly :)
Ai has a Touch Type tool. You can access it in the toolbox under as a Type Tool subtool, or directly from Character panel (if you set a n option in the panel’s menu).It allows to scale, shift and rotate live glyphs, without the need of outlining first.
It has some limitations though, and you can read about them and vote for the fix here: https://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657-illustrator-desktop-feature-requests/suggestions/43025820-touch-type-improvementsAs for a method that will do that for you automatically — well, it feels like a job for a script! Hope that this will get some attention from scripters.