Scale Calligraphic Brush - create new brush option
If you scale a path item with 10 pt stroke at 200%, you will get a path item with a 20 pt stroke. Note, the "Scale Strokes & Effects" option is enabled.
However, if a calligraphic 3 pt brush is scaled 200% (with a default stroke weight of 1pt and "Scale Strokes & Effects" enabled) the result will produce a calligraphic 3 pt brush with a 2pt stroke. Visually the brush stroke will appear bigger but the path item is still connected to the 3 pt brush.
Can we add a feature that will create a new brush based on the scale function? In the example provided above, the result will produce a path item with a 2 pt stroke and it will be connected to a new brush based on the previous brush but the size will be 6 pt.