Save frequent missing fonts selection for future files
I would love to be able to save or automatically apply missing font replacements.
Scenario: Adobe is dropping support for Type 1 fonts. Thousands of my Illustrator files contain a Type 1 font family. To head things off, I was able to obtain the required newer font format for the font family, but it is now seen as a new font by Illustrator (fair enough). But, now when I open up each file I have to painstakingly replace the old fonts with the new ones. Again, this applies to thousands of files and massively slows my process down.
The feature I would love to have is for Illustrator (and all of the CC apps really) to remember my selection or let me save something for those specific replacements. All the files will have the exact same missing fonts and I will want to replace them with the exact replacement fonts each time.
I can't be the only one with this scenario, can I?

Dina Dembicki commented
No, Steve, you are not alone. My team and I deal with this daily when opening older files. I love this idea!
Corel Draw can store replacement pairs, as far as I know. Can be a nice solution.