Set all colour palette swatches to Global as default
Could we have all default swatches and custom colour swatches we select set as 'Global' when are working in a document? Or at least be able to select multiple swatches all at once and make Global? Why is the default 'non-Global' when colours are likely to be used regularly across multiple working files?

I still don’t get how do you create swatches.
If you drag (you say you drag) colored objects into Swatches, a pattern swatch is created.. not swatches.And no, making global swatches by default is not what is to be a universally desired method :) I agree there should be an option to toggle this, but please don’t think that everyone wants to create global swatches by default. I personally prefer globals, that’s true :)
The idea about a 'global switch for globals' is a good idea! Perhaps a script can be made to do that until the team makes one...
Eddie Deighton commented
I work in numerous ways - I create my own assets but also edit client files and import PDF pages to edit or extract elements from. I also cut/paste across various projects I'm designing. When selecting items from other parties documents and dragging the colours into the swatch palette they do not assign Global colours - I have to double-click the colour and manually assign a Global option before it becomes flexible enough to edit. I am wondering why there is an option in the first place - if you are working with colours, as you do in InDesign, surely it would be best to just make everything Global as default, to make it easier to edit? Why do you need instances where a colour you're using is non-Global?
If you press Ctrl+Alt+Shift new while clicking the New Swatch button in the Swatches panel, Ai will create the swatch as a global swatch, with no dialogue asked. Also, if you just click the New button, the 'global' option is set by default — if you set it before, it’s sticky.
Ctrl+Alt will create a spot with no dialogue, and Alt does the same for a regular swatch.
A hotkey, however, if you assign one, calls a dialogue, there is no way to silently create a global swatch with one hotkey only, you have to hit Enter immediately after.How do you create a swatch?
(Edited by admin)