「中央に整列」を実行したときに、座標の平均ではなく選択範囲の中央に揃えたい / Align to center of selection instead of average of coordinates when "Align Center" is executed
一方で、Illustrator iPad版で同じ操作を行うと異なる結果になります。iPad版の「中央に整列」では、座標の平均ではなく、選択範囲(バウンディングボックス)の中央でオブジェクトが揃うしくみです。
- 「選択範囲に整列」というオプションの名称からも、座標の平均で揃うことは推測しにくい
- iPad版のように、選択範囲の中央に揃うほうが直感的でイメージしやすい
- デスクトップ版とiPad版の同じ機能がそれぞれ違う動きをするのは避けるべき
- 選択範囲の中央に揃う仕様はその他のAdobe製品でも採用されている
---------(used the translation tool)---------
In Illustrator on desktop, select multiple objects, and in the "Align to Selection" setting, execute "Vertical ( or Horizontal ) Align Center".
The objects will then be aligned at the average of their respective center coordinates.
However, the same operation in Illustrator on iPad produces a different result. The iPad's "Align Center" aligns the object at the center of the selection (bounding box), rather than at the average of the coordinates.
As far as I have confirmed, Photoshop and InDesign also have this specification.
- It is difficult to infer from the name of the "Align to Selection" option that it will be aligned with the average of the coordinates.
- It is more intuitive and easier to imagine the result if it is aligned to the center of the selection, as in the iPad version.
- It is not good to have the same functionality on desktop and on iPad, but with different results on each.
- Alignment to the center of the selection is also used in other Adobe products.
For the above reasons, I would like the Illustrator desktop version to change the specification to align to the center of the selection.

Nick Kelleher commented
In InDesign, Horiztonal/Vertical Align Center aligns selections to the center point between the outside edges of a selection group. Whereas in Illustrator, Horizontal/Vertical Align Center seems to average the center points of the selection group. Having used both, it seems like the InDesign functionality is more intuitive: Position the widest/tallest object where you want it to be, then align everything else to it.
Maybe it's just me, but I've never needed/wanted Illustrator to align a bunch of selections to their average center point. Furthermore, getting everything in a selection to have the correct average center point seems like more work than aligning all of the object manually.
Perhaps the Illustrator alignment tools are meant to be a 2-step process: (1) align selections on center then (2) move them to where you want them. That being said, the Horizontal/Vertical Align Center seem to be the only 2 buttons that use the center points of selected object rather than the outside edges.
Oleg Krasnov commented
I agree. Guess where these objects will be centered? The answer in the attached video.
monokano commented
This "average of coordinates" is an archaic Illustrator specification that remains. There is no reason to use this specification nowadays.