Being able to export an object with a mesh tool as a obj design from Ai to use as a model in Adobe Dimension
I created a mesh design and illustrator as a plastic bag with wrinkles was not able to export as an OBJ file to use in adobe dimension. Now that Photoshop does not have full fledge 3-D tools., I am not sure if it’s possible to create an OBJ file that has mesh in it.

Yasir commented
Thanks Egor,
what helped me get into Blender was my learning knowledge of Adobe Dimension, similar concept. Blender's modeling is all mesh, that's why objects can be controlled so well.
I hope the developer's team find a way to implement the mesh tool use in creating an .obj, as well as the use of the gradients tool.
Now with the M1 or M2 chip on Mac will give more power to make it work, there are lots of calculations required.
Yasir(Edited by admin) -
It took them long enough, Yasir... actually, I messaged the developers the moment I replied, a month ago. They replied a mesh will get converted to a raster image anyway. Mapping of a decal with a mesh in it surely can be improved later.
Thanks for the reply! It'd be nice to see the final result you had in Blender. -
Yasir commented
Hi Egor,
since my last post for the last 3 weeks , I have been in contact with Adobe Illustrator tech support, we spent a total of 3 hours worth of 3 sessions demonstrating all the different possibilities of exporting an obj file from illustrator using the Mesh Tool or the Gradient Tool with no results, they have promised after realizing it’s is not possible, to escalate it to developers team.
Since then, I have delved into learning Blender’s Modeling section to create my food packaging mock ups.
Hopefully there will be a fix in the near future.(Edited by admin) -
Oh, so by 'mesh' you mean not the '3D mesh in the OBJ format', but the mesh created with the Mesh tool! Oh, I am sorry, that was unexpected.
Now, with the image provided, it’s clear enough.Yes, there is no way currently to do anything with a mesh with 3D and Materials directly. You have workaround and rasterize it first and apply as a decal inside Illustrator or create a texture to used in Dimensions.
Yasir commented
Hello Egor, I get a warning when I try to export an object with a mesh in it.
'3D and Materials' effect currently works only on some object types and cannot apply as multiple instances.
I googled that, and there was a post on the illustrator discussion, here is the link. one response towards the end recommends to utilize 3D classic in Ai. But did not detail how, I wrote back hopefully he has further details.
I am trying to create a plastic bread bag with wrinkles on it, the Mesh tool gave me great results, but could not get it to Adobe Dimension.