Select Artwork by Swatch
This is how it should work:
Select a Swatch in the Swatches palette, choose from the menu: 'Select all object that use this swatch' (as Fill / Stroke).
Comes in very handy to select items via the Swatches palette in complex cartoon style drawings. It is also a way to - kind of - create long awaited multi layer groups.

Jan Vork commented
I would like to be able to select one or multiple Swatches in the Swatches palette, and then let Illustrator select all Objects that are colored with this particular Swatche(es).
In this way, I can replace e.g. multiple green swatches by one green swatch.
Yes, true. A clumsy workaround we now have is to create a dummy object, fill and stroke it with a swatch, use Select Same Fill, unselect the dummy object, hide or lock selection (unless you have something already hidden or locked), select the dummy again, use Select Same Stroke, hide-lock this too, unhide-unlock... Just nonsense.
Meanwhile you can use a free script by Sergey Osokin to achieve this with a click:
At the moment it forces you to choose between stroke or fills, but not both, but I bet it can be improved.