Create set of tools for items in Menu/Object/Path...
I find I frequently got to Menu/Object/Path/Offset Path or Menu/Object/Path/Outline Stroke along with Envelope distort and Expand.
It would be great to have these functions available as Clickable Tools that I could add to a Toolbar.
Mark Griffin commented
I will bite the bullet once again then! :-)
Mark, yeah, trashing user settings is another problem...
Edit > My Settings > Export / Import Settings, which was added at some point to mitigate it, also does not work properly for some...Even if the Ai team comes up with method to add custom commands as buttons in custom panels (to be able to have more than one Actions panel) — these would have to be backed up also.
I learnt to backup all settings manually.
Whenever I change actions, I save them via the panel’s flyout menu in a dedicated folder in my own cloud folder. If (when) these get dropped, I load it back.
Since all the different presets are located in different places (hotkeys, actions, tool panels, workspaces, etc.), some users create shortcuts to various folders (which also change, because major versions change!), some build .bat files.Workarounds... but working in stock Ai is a masochistic violence. It makes more harm than making backups for settings. Don’t hurt yourself! :)
Mark Griffin commented
Hi Egor.
Thanks for taking the time to reply.Over the many years I've been using Illustrator I found that regular updates often kill Actions, Keyboard shortcuts and various other preferences. I just gave up taking the time to troubleshoot them, port from older versions etc etc...
I found myself, more times than not, redoing the various keyboard shortcuts I created or Actions. Now I tend to keep Illustrator pretty much stock.
I guess, if there's no chance of it happening I might find myself creating them again.
Mark, as for today Illustrator offers several ways to have these accessed faster:
1. Assign a hotkey to each of these commands. Open Keyboard Shortcuts, locate these and assign something Ai would allow to use (there are restrictions).
2. If you want specifically buttons, and not hotkeys, you can make actions instead. Fire up Actions panel, create a new action, record a command, stop recording, and once you are done, switch the panel into a button mode via its flyout menu. There, you have buttons — not exactly in the toolbar, but you can put the panel wherever you want.
Does these work for you?