Panel Calculator for Illustrator
Panel Calculator for Illustrator
My calculator panel idea in illustrator is shown in the attached picture
Approximately, as I see it and based on the tasks that I solve in illustrator.
It would also be nice if the Calculator and Transform panels work together. The principle is shown. Perhaps even understandable. An active window in one is an active window in the other...
In general, a calculator is a useful thing and it would fit well into the adobe system.
It would also be nice if the Calculator panel could interact with other panels with which this is possible. For example, with the new Measurements panel.
And it would be thoughtful and logical.
Perhaps someone will also be interested in this and support the idea.
Thanks to all the developers and designers who are constantly making improvements and new features. So that we users can work comfortably in the software.
It's not easy and a lot of hard work behind it all.
Thank you for your attention.

There is a somewhat similar request about allowing more than one math operation in input fields: this particular idea — the menu seems like an overkill, with that amount of data types.
And since Ai does not have tables, like InDesign, there is no need to have them.
Here is a link to this request, BTW: also wanted to note that you highlighted both Width and Shape Width fields in Transform in this mockup. While these have the same value now, it does not mean they should be treated at the same time. If you rotate a rectangle, they will hold different values.