Disable Layer Search in Layers Window
Illustrator v 27.7
Mac Studio 2022
Mac OS 13.5.1 (22G90)
Please allow for disabling the layer search function. The Layers window search field randomly activates, especially when opening new files from a template and when opening exitisting files to make revisions. This is incredibly frustrating. For example; when I open a file and try to select the type tool by hitting the T key, I just end up typing a line of T's in the layer search bar. When the search function is active it appears as if there are layers missing in the file, making it difficult to find layers and objects. It is making too much extra time and work just clicking around to navigate my own files. Please remedy this with the option to remove/disable this feature from the Layers window. Thanks, Adobe

Stuart McCoy commented
Disable it? I just want it fixed. It has somehow seriously impacted my ability to copy most things within Illustrator because pressing some keys, such as cmd-c, seems to put focus on the layers search field and I rarely catch it right away because cmd-c doesn't produce any immediate results. Other keyboard inputs seem to put focus on this field as well because every now and then I look over at the layers palette and layers are missing. Sometimes it's a "v" in the field because I tried to copy/paste, other times it's another character such as "x" or"/" because at some point another input put focus on the search field and in the interim I tried to swap between stroke and fill colors or to remove a color. Even worse is when I actually have a shape or long string of text and the search field chokes on the query that gets pasted in.
There is an existing request about this (http://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/333657/suggestions/46935631), but since it’s more a bug report, I am keeping them separated.
Zach, can you try to catch the exact moment and circumstances of this 'focus steal'?