Rename a document from its tab
Illustrator allows to to set a name for a new document in File > New dialog (both modern and classic one). But once a document is created, you no longer can change the name until it’s saved.
If a user want to set a name, but not ready to save, they have no other choice other then save. While it’s OK to have an unsaved document with a specified name, you are given the chance to name it once until then. Not fair.
Perhaps you should allow users to rename any document for it’s tab?
Probably not with a single click, since it will greatly distract users with false recognition (I don’t even doubt this), but maybe a context menu command? a double-click?
Then, it’s another related, about renaming opened files in general:
File > Rename command

Rene Andritsch commented
This would be a nice workflow enhancement and time saver.
Katarina Jovanovic commented
Would be handy option. Voted!