Correct View > Snap to Grid shortcut from Cmd/Ctrl+" to proper Cmd/Ctrl+'
My request is a bit nerdy, but hey! I have been using Illustrator for 'ages' and one of the shortcuts is simply not correct. I always think it's cute, in a way, but still.
The shortcut to show or hide the grid is listed as Ctrl + "
This is impossible to achieve since you need the 'Shift' key to type the double quotation marks :)
So, I think it should be Ctrl + ' .
The shortcut to snap to the grid is fun in this light; it's Ctrl + Shift + "
So, I was wondering if anyone had ever thought 'Wait a minute...'
Oh, and this also applies to the shortcut for 'Snap To Point', which is listed as Ctrl + Alt + "
I am very curious!

...but nobody objects against Ctrl + Plus, which should be Ctrl + Equals? :)
I can both agree with you (that’s why I upvoted this), saying 'Photoshop does it properly'...
...but at the same time the problem is larger than it seems. Photoshop solves the zoom ambiguity (and more than this) by allowing assigning several different hotkeys to one command. Ai can’t. If this get solved, than it won’t be a need to substitute symbols. Would you agree? -
Mica M. commented
I know how to edit the shortcuts, but I thought it would be good to help people use the shortcuts correctly. I can't count the times when I had to tell students that no, they should not add Shift to get the double quotation marks that are listed, but just the single one 😊So, after all this time I thought I would ask, and suggest a correction.
Thanks! -
This is actually correct, but it requires an explanation.
See, in Keyboard Shortcuts dialog it says Ctrl+' (and other similar commands) — properly... but then there is a second column which tells what symbol is going to be shown — because this one is the one shown at the top half of the key, and this is where letters sit. And it’s easier to memorize, for most and for some users.
Compare it to the Ctrl+- and Ctrl++ (Zoom Out and Zoom In): although one is technically Ctrl+= WITHOUT Shift, and the other could be Ctrl+_ WITH Shift, Ai still uses Plus and Minus to display them in the menu.
Good news is — you can customize it manually.
Open the dialog, focus the " symbol in the column and type ' — this would replace it in the menu.
The tricky thing is to replace it back with " — Ai probably won’t detect it, be warned.This page — (under 'Define new keyboard shortcuts') — explains it like this:
... In the Symbol column, type the symbol in the menu or tool tip for the command or tool and then select OK. You can use any of the characters allowed in the Shortcut column.