Eyedropper Tool should pick colors from gradient
Why eyedropper tool not facilitate during picking gradient colors.

Samuel Richards commented
This is great, I think so.
Anonymous commented
totally agree.. SPOT colors should be included!! exact colors of item under eyedropper. this would include cmyk values when overprinting spots.. we use spots combined with gradients all the time and we need to know where colors break.. this should already be included for a program that started in 1987!!! Thats 31 years and we still dont have a stable full functional program.
ben commented
I have to say, it's pretty incredible that this isn't already included.
Vicki Suryabudhi commented
using the shift click actually works for me,...Thanks Artem!!!
Anonymous commented
Why is there no Color Range picker for gradient settings?
Also, there is no way of picking a color via eyedropper while in Gradient Settings.Eyedropper tool also is not useful if you only want to get the color of the stroke or fill alone, without getting the all properties of the shape. If you want to get the color of a stroke of a shape, and use it as a fill of a new shape, you have to memorize the hex! :(
Also, It is necessary to provide Color Principle tools such as a basic color wheel, which I think every designer needs, in combining colors.
As a designer, this is actually disappointing for Adobe. :(
Anonymous commented
The eyedropper tool should show you exactly what is under it.. If i have an image over a spot color thats darkened, the eyedropper should report back all color values.. C, M, Y, K and Spot percentages..
Jeanne Guderian commented
It would also be nice if the eyedropper could give me the RGB values for a transparent color, not the full value of the color - in case I want to match the transparent color with a solid color somewhere else.
Artem commented
Hi) Use Shift-Click
Manuel Campagnoli commented
Manuel Campagnoli commented
Sorry, found out that pressing "I" activated the eyedropper (tool icon worked too), then "shift" allowed to take the colour of this particular point without capturing the whole "colour fill" property.
It was'nt very intuitive imho, but fair enough. -
Manuel Campagnoli commented
While creating a gradient, is impossible to assign one of the colours of the gradient using the eyedropper.
In Photoshop CC and Animate CC is possible to do it just pressing ALT (turns cursor in eyedropper)
I found some other frustrated users who posted similar problems
https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/68903/illustrator-cc-gradient-tool-how-to-take-color-from-the-image -
Anonymous commented
Seriously? You don't have a color picker while modifying the color in gradient tools? It's really mindblowing to see how you have come up with this brilliant idea to not have a color picker. Proud of you all. It's a basic need to have a color picker from the screen. It takes so much of time to figure out how to apply the desired colors on a gradient. at least for the love of god please provide an option to paste the color code. I cant find anything useful in this piece of software. Seriously Photoshop is 1000 times better and friendly to design logos.
Anonymous commented
While using gradient i want to pick a color from a sample using eye dropper. How can i pick a shade that i want to use for gradient?
Is the idea to pick color using Eyedropper for selected gradient stop?