Don't display clipped outside paths in Outline View option
Sometimes we have a large pieces of artwork clipped.
Sometimes we don’t care what’s inside until we isolate these to edit the clipped art directly.
Still, when we switch to Outline View, we see all the art that is clipped, clumped, overlapping, messy.
For these cases it would be nice to have an option to not draw parts that are outside and beyond of clipping paths.
Corel’s products does it a bit wrong — they don’t draw clipped parts in Outline at all, including parts that are inside. Ai should do it better.

Mariusz commented
I think that in the Adobe Illustrator settings there should be one more general option called:
"Show and select objects outside of the mask or clipping path." -
Mariusz commented
I have been working at Illustrator for 15 years. I also know other programs. Illustrator crashes a lot. It completely loses its intuitiveness and extends the work over the average number of clicks to simple operations.
Masking in illustror is developed and offers many interesting possibilities, including masks, but it is confusing. UX sucks.