Adding 'Gradient Feather' function similar to InDesign would be great.
It makes masking in Ai a lot more convenient.

Currently this can be achieved with this script:
Ah, yes!
Illustrator offers the Basic Diffused Feather as an effect, in Effect > Stylize > Feather, but not the other types, Directional and Gradient ones.
Instead, Ai offers to set custom opacity masks. Not as fast and efficient, sure, but more customizable.
But no tool to quickly set it up! And this has been in other applications (like Xara, Corel DRAW...) for DECADES. And now the more recent rivals have it as well. -
Anonymous commented
Add the "Feather" tool from InDesign
Mark Fisher commented
Can we have a Directional Feather effect like InDesign?
Anonymous commented
Please, please, please! Add the same Gradient Feather tool that InDesign has into Illustrator.
John commented
I would love it if illustrator had a gradient feather tool that worked the same way as the one in illustrator.
At the moment you have to manually set up a gradient with 2 of the same colour with one set to 0% opacity and one at 100% opacity, unless I'm missing something! The one in indesign can be applied to groups as well which is super useful.
Diana commented
yes!!! please!!!