Create new artboard within other artboard with Shift key gone in 2018
Just switched to Illustrator 2018. In 2017 I could create a new artboard on top of another artboard by holding down the shift key and dragging with the Artboard tool. This doesn't work anymore. I can create a new artboard outside of the existing one, but I need to create multiple artboards within one main artboard. I can create a vector box where I want them all, then go to Artboard window and click Convert to Artboards, but this is many more clicks than before...not very lean.

I get the reasoning behind removing this functionality, sadly.
Before CC 2018, there was no way to select several artboards with the marquee, the same way we are able to do with Selection tool — because Artboard tool both creates, moves, and select at the same time. So now holding Shift before clicking switches the tool to the marquee mode, and after... well, it should have force square, but applies proportions of the last selected artboard instead.
So we are just out of modifiers here.
Alt copies, Ctrl switches to Selection tool (as anywhere else)...
I myself sometimes need to create artboard inside of an existing one. This is why I switched completely to creating rectangles first and then convert them to artboards with the menus command, assigned to a hotkey.
If you have ideas about solving this clash — please comment. -
James Oborn commented
I do this by drawing a rectangle, then clicking on it with the artboard tool.
Anonymous commented
agreed 100%. this is a huge downgrade.
AdminNitish Agarwal (Illustrator on Web/iPad Team) (Lead Software Engineer, Adobe Illustrator) commented
Hi Rienk,
You can start creating artboard outside of any artboard and the you can move it inside. You should raise it in feature requests.
Nitish -
Rienk commented
I was using (and still do) the shift function when drawing an artboard within an artboard. Unfortunately it has changed to selecting multiple artboards.
I would really see an option that would support drawing artboards within artboards.
Rienk commented
I was using (and still do) the shift function when drawing an artboard within an artboard. Unfortunately it has changed to selecting multiple artboards.
I would really see an option that would support drawing artboards within artboards.