Allow to see and edit colors in a selection, just like with Selection Colors in Figma
Figma displays a full list of colors used in a selected art in its right sidebar:
It allows quickly evaluate the selection, edit colors right there, even swap — without the need of using bulky Recolor. Illustrator can't offer the same quick tool, neither in Color panel nor with the Properties.
Please make this possible in Ai, and make it better.

Mille commented
Yes, this feature is such a gamechanger when working in Figma. This needs to be implemented in illustrator as well. Often colors are applied to a mix of strokes and fills, sometimes hidden in a clipping mask which can be difficult til select otherwise
Yakup Milder commented
çalışma dosyası içinde kullanılan bütün renkleri görebileceğimiz bir katmanın artık gelmesi gerekiyor. çalışma içerisinde renklere tek tek müdahale etmek yerine renklere toplu bir şekilde müdahale etmek istiyorum aşağıda görselde ne demek istediğimi daha iyi görebilirsiniz.
There is a free Colorama extension by Tom Scharstein that that allows to view and edit colors from a selection in somewhat similar manner — it does work only in RGB though and ignores swatches