Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs
When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:
- Details of your operating system
- The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop)
- The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
- Your expected result and the actual result
- Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)
7 results found
Strokes become sporadic and missing in some places
Strokes become sporadic and missing in some places. I don't know what the issue is. My strokes were perfect yesterday and now I update my Mac and the strokes are now sporadic, jagged and missing in places. See screenshot.
5 votesHi,
We apologize for having such an irritating issue with your workflow.
The issue is still not reproducible in-house. We need your help to reproduce the issue.
Please provide your system details and the objects with which you are working.
If issue is happening in any specific file and you can provide the file to us at, also please do mention this User Voice thread link in the mail. -
ver 27.0.1の時にはこの現象は起こっておらず、ver 27.1.1にアップグレードした後に確認された。【添付画像参照:Illustratorbugimg.jpg】
Windows 10 Pro(バージョン:21H2)64bit数々の要望にご対応いただいております皆様に感謝しております。
4 votes -
Magnifying screen redrawing flaws
In Illustrator 2022, when I zoom in, the screen turns black and my artwork only redraws the portions where I hover the mouse, as if the display was defective.
3 votesPlease share the document and system info with us –
Screen goes white as soon as I draw something
As soon as I open an Illustrator document and draw or touch an object, the screen goes white. I switch between gpu and cpu rendering, nothing changes.
M1 MBP, newest os and illustrator version, not the beta or pre version, rosetta 2 mode.
2 votesThe team is aware of a similar looking issue, where this is due to Anchor Point Size preference set to Max value. Please check if changing it from Max to any other value resolves this and comment back.
The investigation continues to get the root cause of this preference corruption.
Artifacts that shouldn't be there
I've noticed that sometimes there will remain some random artefacts of after deleting anchors that are ordered in lines or curves around each other.
It will remain there, can't be selected, and even if the rest of the original form is removed, it still remain.
It is not shown after rendering the image though.
It occurs sometimes, and could be disturbing.Latest in CC 2018-01
2 votesIf this problem is still an issue, it’d be necessary to provide a test file, full OS and hardware specs, including GPU and the driver, so that the team can try to reproduce it.
Some strange pixels in vector objects and text
AI 26.1I have no idea how to fix it
1 voteThis is clearly a GPU rendering bug.
A workaround for this is to disable GPU rendering at all. To investigate this further, the team would need full details on the OS and GPU used, along with a test file.
Please provide these in the comments in the original bug report or send them over to
- macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Mac mini (2018) プロセッサ/3.2 GHz 6コアIntel Core i7 メモリ/16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4 グラフィックス/Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB
Adobe illustrator 2021(25.2.1)
今回は「TBゴシックstd」と「Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk」を使用。
Berthold Akzidenz Groteskのサイズを112%、ベースラインを-2%に設定。
1 voteこちら「合成フォントで欧文フォントのベースラインが正しく反映されない」という問題ですが、ご報告いただいたフォント以外の組み合わせの合成フォントで再現いたしますか?
Illustrator チーム
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