Illustrator iPad won't let me put the hex # in for color
The Illustrator iPad version won't let me put the hex # in for the color I want. I can put a couple of numbers in and then it puts some zeros in front of the first three numbers and deletes the rest. Help!

Angelina Malone (Oona Mucklebones) commented
It's absolutely insane they haven't fixed this! Adobe, please show that you care about your customers; we pay enough.
Sara Domström (Dara) commented
Can not write own color in hex code. It is overwriting before i is finishing by write my whole numbers. Must write my numbers FASTER than the program so it works then.
Anthony Rizzo commented
WOW. 2024 and this is still happening. Just got an iPad so I could work on designs away from my desk and the fact that I cannot just paste in hex codes is an actual deal breaker. I work with clients who have hex numbers in their brand guidelines, these specific hex numbers are the only colors that I can use. This feature is BROKEN. If you can't paste in a hex code, and can't type one in without Illustrator telling you halfway through typing, "Nope. Here, use this other color you probably don't want," then what is that feature for? Just to see what the hex number is? Why even add the option to edit that number?
Isabella Clark commented
Can’t copy the hex codes to paste them elsewhere ! If I try and type hex codes too slowly it auto updates too fast to a color I don’t want. These are both really annoying if you are a brand designer!
Go Suga commented
Same and I can’t even copy and paste the code I grabbed from browser. So I can’t type or paste only way is to type super fast before they add 0 in front.
JennG commented
Same here! It’s really annoying! Here is a screen recording