Re-draw line in the pencil tool, like in desktop
In the desktop when you draw with the pencil over existing line it allow you to re-draw fro. That section on. I was really surprised this ability isn’t available in the first version- seems like a must for the iPad, and a big differentiator from procreate and raster tools
Shahlaa commented
Pencil tool options such as edit selected path and smooth tool and others
Hanna Trussler commented
I use this feature all of the time on desktop - it is an option for the pencil tool there that is labeled "Edit selected paths".
Illustrator for iPad is useless without this feature. It would be so helpful to just be able to draw naturally. I have been waiting years for this to be implemented.
Bradford Maxfield commented
Please implement this feature, even if it’s a toggle in the settings. It’s absolutely necessary for use in the ipad version and is the game changer that we have been waiting for.
David O commented
The absence of this pretty much renders the iPad version of Illustrator useless for me. I trace hand-drawn sketches when drafting maps, and need to "adjust"/correct my traces frequently. :-/
olivier morelle commented
Bonjour, je souhaiterai avoir la possibilité sur iPad de remodeler un tracé actif en repassant dessus avec le crayon ou le pinceau, comme c'est le cas sur la version desktop. Cette fonction est très utile pour les dessinateurs, lorsqu'on veut affiner ses tracés de manière plus spontanée que la sélection par point et le travail des tangentes. Pour moi c'est une fonction essentielle de la version bureau que je souhaiterai vraiment retrouver sur la version iPad.
Merci à vous,
O. Morelle -
Isa Stewart commented
I keep forgetting the ipad app doesn't support this, and it's very frustrating. I would greatly appreciate this feature and other features that have been added seem to me to be considerably lower priority for work flow.
Thank you adobe for getting this feature in the app!
D P commented
Please make it possible to redraw paths with the pencil tool like in the desktop app. It seems like an essential function for the iPad app to make this possible using your Apple Pencil. It was the first thing I wanted to do with the iPad App was import my Illustrator document and redraw the paths with the Apple Pencil but I was shocked to find it can’t do that and people have been asking for that function since 2020. Otherwise it’s completely useless to me as an illustrator
D P commented
Wow it’s 2022 and this function still isn’t available, I’m really disappointed and annoyed because I completely agree with you how can they not have the ability to redraw paths with the pencil tool with the iPad in Illustrator. Adobe is simply a case of can’t live with them and can’t live without them, very frustrating.
Katya Simacheva commented
It is useless without this function ((((
Anonymous commented
once a vectorial line is drawn it is not possible anymore to redraw it. only by pulling on the circles or squares
in the pc version of illustrator, you can redraw the line by drawing over it
this is a major difference with other drawing programs and should be included in the ipad app -
Катя Симачева commented
This is a most important thing in AI
Someone75 commented
One cannot work with Illustrator on iPad!
What are you doing Adobe …. -
rain cyrax commented
Absolute necessity for us designers. Also, have options for KEEP SELECTED or Not
Jane-E commented
The Pencil tool should be able to redraw a selected path. Instead, the iPad version simply draws a new path even when the object is selected.
Andrew Matthews commented
Seconded. SO important. Please add asap!
MonumentGraphics commented
Totally agree. Illustrator for iPad is practically worthless without this.
Jaime Bernal commented
100% this is a must
Anonymous commented
Please. Illustrator for iPad is almost useless TO ME until this gets added. My apologies :(
Pete commented
Yes this is a feature I regularly use too, it would save a lot of time to be able to do this on the iPad version.
Tomateche commented
Totally agree with you !
Without this option, the pencil tool is unusable for me.