My feedback
46 results found
70 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 supported this idea ·
25 votes
Someone75 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
This will not be fixed within another 25 years ...
Font changes from the current one to the previously used while typing
Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 3.20.55 PM.png 259 KB -
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Captura de tela 2025-01-09 072207.png 22 KB -
Captura de pantalla 2025-01-07 a la(s) 12.02.49 p.m..png 23 KB -
스크린샷 2024-12-31 오후 4.35.19.png 12 KB -
font style.PNG 24 KB -
Screenshot 2024-12-29 124342.png 157 KB -
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Captura de tela 2024-12-17 121251.png 162 KB -
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FontScreenshot1.png 41 KB -
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스크린샷 2024-12-10 오후 6.10.30.png 49 KB -
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Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 3.29.14 PM.png 13 KB
212 votesThis issue has been fixed in 29.2 release. Please update your Illustrator to latest version through Creative Cloud Desktop.
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
What a mess ...
Someone75 supported this idea ·
Ghosting and image retention in UI panels of Illustrator & Photoshop with 5k Monitor
Ghosting Source example Adobe Illustrator.jpg 1493 KB -
Ghosting from Example Source Adobe Illustrator.jpg 1324 KB -
Ghosting Adobe Photoshop.jpg 1193 KB -
No Ghosting Adobe in Excel.jpg 1122 KB -
Ghosting Adobe Illustrator.jpg 1008 KB -
No Ghgosting Calendar.jpg 837 KB -
Ghosting Adobe Illustrator_1.jpg 897 KB -
NO Ghosting in Brwoser window.jpg 659 KB -
Ghosting Source example Acrobat.jpg 1156 KB -
NO Ghosting Finder.jpg 615 KB
1 voteSomeone75 shared this idea ·
4 votes
Someone75 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
@Serena King: Still the same issue in Sequoia! Thank you so much for your post! It was driving me nuts and I did not know what was causing this "randomly" bug in Illustrator!
I realized on my desktop machine, that having too many open panels for all Illustrator tools, with two screens in use, will cause a similar brush lag. So minimizing the whole Illustrator UI during painting eliminates this bug, tooBut in this case it did not help as long, as I closed the rulers ...
Thank you so much for this workaround (for the again bad Illustrator programming ...)
44 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
Adobe, what a great software company you are! An absolutely unacceptable bug has never been fixed anyway ...
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
Yes, close this ticket, great! Sending an email to with no response for 2 month! Adobe, you're a great team.
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
They will never fix it, never and it is annoying...
Someone75 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
Great NO answer for 1 year. Thanks a lot Adobe! Your Software is not working with an iMac Pro!!!
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
I can reproduce it in Illustrator 24.3 still! It really sucks. Working with 5k screens and a flickering cursor. so annoying...
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
I deals with Retina display and setting the UI to very small. Even if one sets GUI size to "normal" which is quite too big for a retina display the flickering ist will appear. Deleting all prefs does not solve anything. Great Adobe! Not support for month...
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
After it was gone for a while with the newest release the old bugs are back. Would you ever recommend Adobe: No.
Flickering mouse will begin while Photoshop and Illustrator are opened the same time on OS X Mojave, so annoying. The only program where this happens!
Great work Adobe, congrats.An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
Cannot use Illustrator with retina display while Photoshop is openend in Mojave! Cursor keeps flickering
- There is not 3rd party plugin installed
- have to use UI scaling as I use a RETINA display
- adjust cursor size is not activated. -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
@egor-chistyakov here is a video of just drawing a circle ...
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
@egor thanks for that quick reply.
I use Sonoma 14.5 with Illustrator 28.5
I does not matter if I use mouse or Wacom Tablet. Same results for different devices. This is really bad ...
Someone75 shared this idea ·
13 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
It will only take 10 years for Adobe to make this get into Illustrator .... maybe 11 ...
Someone75 supported this idea ·
41 votes
The fix is pushed into Global Availability build 28.6.
If it misbehaves still — please comment back.
Someone75 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
It's just so annoying, Adobe: STOP "Generative AI" from popping up all the time
I do not want it now, nor later! -
59 votes
Someone75 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
... so many bad UX/UI settings in Adobe Illustrator for years! And no improvement, still ...
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
They will never improve their UI and formerly implemented tools, like they never did with selections tools and other, too ...
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
Adobe will never ever update old bugs and insufficient tools!
60 votes
The latest Illustrator release - v29.3 now offers Area Calculation using Measure Tool:
- Select the objects in your artwork you want to calculate the area for.
- Select the Measure Tool from the Toolbar.
- The calculated area will be displayed in the Info panel, shown automatically.
- Shift + Click on a segment in the existing selection to remove/add it to area calculation.
- Configure measurement options by accessing the flyout menu of the panel. You can customize units, precision, and scale to suit your requirements.
Please update to v29.3 from your Creative Cloud Desktop application and keep sharing your feedback!
Someone75 supported this idea ·
14 votes
Someone75 supported this idea ·
14 votes
Please provide comparison screenshots for the designs you can see a clear difference between these two export methods.
There is a related bug report, and perhaps the quality discussed here is actually a bug:
Even if it’s somethings else, it’s not OK the request about image quality does not have a single image as an example. Please share!
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
The bad quality may be caused by CMYK color mode. You have to change it to RGB if that's the cause.
It's sucha misleading UI! Illustrator developers really do not follow ANY consitency in the program at all.
You have to create a new preference insted of adjusting the settings! Maybe that help's ...
Someone75 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
Export quality might be o.k. (so it is mcuh worse then legacy export) but the generated file size is absolutely a horror... and there is no real option to change the setting!
50 votes
Someone75 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
Adobe will never invent any development of once teleased tools. It's such a bugy and inconsitent UI and this feature lacks for years ...
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
It's so annoying
Someone75 supported this idea ·
2 votes
Someone75 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
Still buggy and it is no work around to switch to super slow CPU view ....
84 votes
Excited to share that the requested functionality is now available in the public builds starting from V 28.3.0.
WIth the new Enclosed Mode, you can now select ONLY those objects which are completely INSIDE the marquee.
To activate the Enclosed Mode, just press 'E' ONCE after you start doing the marquee with the Normal Selection Tool or Group Selection tool.
Please note that,
1. The button E acts as a toggle, which means you just have to press E once, to get into or out of the enclosed mode.
2. You have to press E only after doing the marquee, pressing E in empty canvas will invoke the Free Transform tool or the tool the shortcut 'E' is assigned to.
We made a lot of effort in building this capability, so please try it out and let us what you all think!
Someone75 supported this idea ·
9 votes
Someone75 supported this idea ·
22 votes
Someone75 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
@892701247-stephan-mönninghoff Added PNG an JPG support to the script, you can find it here:
Export for Screens: bad antialiasing and jagged edges on images within (especially rotated) when exported to JPG
Export for screens - AA setting is NOT honored.jpg 740 KB -
Save for web legacy - AA art opt'd setting IS honored.jpg 646 KB -
Export for screens setting that is being ignored by Illustrator.png 43 KB -
the embedded and rotated hi-res raster images, seen within Adobe Illustrator.jpg 619 KB -
Screen Shot 2023-03-28 at 09.00.15.png 232 KB -
ImageComparison.jpg 2320 KB -
TestLayout_Overall_01.jpg 605 KB -
lowQualityExportScreens02.jpg 593 KB -
Illustrator bug 3.png 1637 KB -
ImageComparison.jpg 2320 KB
65 votesAn error occurred while saving the comment Someone75 commented
And compare the different file sizes when "exporting as" (very small) and with "Export for Screens" (a nightmare, much too large)
Asking for 20 years, now.