Customize my own workspace
I would like to edit my workspace. I would rather have the columns with symbols both on one side, instead of on each side.

I understand. Still, it’s a very general request, and there is nothing to grab onto in particular. There are many requests about specific tools for iPad, and you better vote for those you find exactly useful for you. so that the team could prioritize what users really need. Adding these just for the sake of consistency is an utopian scenario, since resources for this are finite.
Converting bitmap to vector exists for iPad, since 2021, it's called Vectorize.
What do you want to change about exporting? Be a bit more specific, please. Same deal for the UI customization — what do you want to customize on iPad and what for? What is the scenario you have which requires it and can benefit from it? -
Bernhard Lautner commented
Yes illustrator desktop has way more tools than affinity designer but I think they need to redo the user interface for illustrator iPad version. It performs well but it could use an update. That’s just my opinion. Exporting is a bit lacking, as well there is no tracing for converting bitmap to vector. I find the text tool a bit lacking. All in all they should update the tools to make it more like the desktop version. I like illustrator desktop. It’s powerful and it works.
Bernhard, Illustrator has a ton of tools and a lot more options than Affinity Designer (and I can’t say it’s exactly a benefit, really). As for the customizable workspace — it allows some, so one can’t say it has none..
'Better' or 'worse' — it's up to taste, let's talk some facts.
What exactly do you think Illustrator is missing? Give some examples, provide reasons, elaborate, please. -
Bernhard Lautner commented
Affinity Designer has a better user interface.