Illustrator for Samsung Galaxy Tablets
With the new release of the Adobe Illustrator for iPad, Adobe should consider creating an android-based version of the app to download via the Samsung App Store. From the little that I understand about the developmental/bug-related issues that could arise, that would give greater control in making it available to one type of Android device/ecosystem while also giving greater competitive edge to android-based/Samsung tablets.

Cade commented
It's amazing to me, that with more users of android devices vs Apple, that creating an Illustrator app for android, particularly Samsung tablet (such as the Tab S10 Ultra that I use and love) isn't more of a priority. Seems like a whole lot of potential revenue being ignored.
Susannah commented
I got my Samsung tablet without knowing it. my bad of course, but there is any way to make it available for us?
Betty Davis commented
After Draw disappeared, i stopped using Adobe regularly... 15+ year customer cancelling ...ask goes another comment into the box of oblivion.
Robyn Vincent commented
I cannot use it until it's available on android! I
Waleed Kh commented
Please Adobe, Android Tablet version!
Kaylee commented
I would LOVE to have the new Illustrator app for my Samsung Tablet!!
Madeline Roe commented
Please make it able to use Adobe Illustrator on Galaxy! You’d gain so many more subscribers like me.
This S commented
WHAT ABOUT SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB S series on ANDROID. As there are a lot of users of ANDROID TABLETS specially users of Samsung galaxy tab S. Adobe should release android version of ILLUSTRATOR AND GALAXY NOTE ON SAMSUNG DEX