Please please please give us a shortcut for eye dropper. I can’t fathom how this was overlooked. AI for iPad is virtually useless for me, and doubtless others, without it. Its nice to not be chained to my desktop for work.

We released a new version today - 3.0.1 and we are now supporting eyedropper shortcut.
wendy commented
Is it possible to have an eyedropper that works with a single click like the desktop version? The circular selection tool is really awkward and doesn't appear to have any benefit.
We have released a new version (3.0.1) today. Eyedropper shortcut is supported now.
Vicky Ching commented
omg it's already 2023 coming and this is still missing on ipad ... God knows how important this is for drawing on ipad ...
Harry Beeson commented
Desperately need an eyedropper shortcut Adobe, its currently I 3 step process whereas on desktop its got its own (very often used) shortcut... Love yous guys, hope everyone is having a lovely day
Rick commented
Voted! The attributes eyedropper please! And the keyboard shortcut suggestion...a huge yes!
Why are so many of the basic things missing that make designing in Illustrator better than your competitors products?!
Chris Tipton commented
Voted! Should be one of the first tools implemented. For colors, strokes, styles, and font styles. Make it work like the desktop version, and make it a stand alone tool again. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
When I use the eye dropper it opens in the middle of the screen rather than where I am currently working. I’d love for there to be an option that it opens adjacent to the path/text/shape last created. Having to drag it from the middle of the screen every time seriously interrupts my workflow.
Think Ink commented
Also have the eye dropper tool to “clone” text settings or stroke weight. Makes things much more streamline and clean when creating drafts on the go.
John Aranha commented
Yes! A keyboard shortcut would be perfect. Can’t believe it still doesn’t have it
Jon Hicks commented
Definitely need a faster way to access the eyedropper tool. Requires too many steps to pick a colour (even with setting the Pencil double click to open the colour dialog), whereas on desktop I can just use the 'I' shortcut.
Fresco also has a nice gesture with a long press to select a colour - very quick
Anonymous commented
The color picker is available on the upper right of the color wheel which is a widget at the bottom of the left side
Jess Telmanik commented
You do this by going to your settings (upper right-hand corner, the gear icon) and then go to App Settings -> Input -> Apple Pencil -> Double Tap and selecting Color Picker.
Andraditya commented
A full eyedropper tools not only for colors, but also for text style and line width
Anonymous commented
Like on the desktop version, an easy shortcut to select the needed color.