Option to replace RGB sliders with HSB everywhere - all swatches and all color pickers.
Add hotkey (key command) option for panel flyout menus
Most of the fonts cannot show and load in the list of AI CS6
Make the option 'Select and unlock objects on canvas' available for default!!
Don’t drop the current character selection in text when I switch between documents
Layers don’t get refreshed ands still show up after deletion
Support for 9-slice scaling for assets in libraries
Illustrator Crashes when editing graphs · Declined
New crop feature
Crashes when closing Illustrator · Request to Contact Support
Increase save dialog text width for long filenames (Mac OS)
AI unusable performance lag · Request to Contact Support
Projecting Cap for zero length path dissapears
Save as .ai can be interrupted by another save
Optional thousand separator for graphs in y-axis
Can’t save SVG with <desc> tags
Recovery Files Missing, Autorecovery enabled
Freezing and crushing after updated iPad for iOS 16.2
strange messages when saving
Option to "protect" Type when Scaling/Rotating/Mirroring etc