Rotation of the Canvas
Like in Photoshop it would be great if an Artist could rotate the artboard/canvas in Illustrator. If you draw a line from left to right it's never the same stroke as from up to down.

Hi friends! I have some great news for your today. Rotate View (Canvas) feature is available in Illustrator 25.3 (Desktop) now. Thank you all for your feedback which helped us shape up this feature.
nate commented
Editing, definitely - look at PS functionality.
Locked artwork and locked layers should be rotating as well. -
Davey Morgan commented
I want to view, draw, and edit at any angle, just like if you were to turn a piece of paper in real life. Like when an artist or comic book artist turns a paper to ink or draw in a certain direction. I think this is a MAJOR feature that Illustrator is missing. I imagine a majority of Illustrator users are artists and also came from a background of traditional medium. For example, if I want to draw a few characters on a page and one of them is upside down, I have to draw that character right side up, then rotate the character. However, if it's a character that is draw into a scene and can't be rotated, then I'm out of luck.
Eduardo Moura commented
Rotate the *Artboard view* would be of no use to me. I need to edit while my view is tilted. In a perfect world, I would be able to hold the R key, rotate the Artboard to my liking, and return to the tool I was using before when I release the R key. Just like I do in Photoshop. How I miss the springloaded keys from Photoshop. Currently only the modifier keys (shift, alt and ctrl in Windows) work like that in Illustrator.
Matt commented
Yogesh, could you please read all the other comments? Everyone has explained the request very well. I'm an artist. I want to be able to rotate the view I am seeing the art to any angle I want and then be able to draw with the natural arc of my wrist. I wonder if the reason you haven't done this is maybe there is a problem with there being multiple artboards in one document. For me, I would be happy if you guys could create a template or specialized-type illustrator file with a single artboard where free-style rotation could be enabled.
[Deleted User] commented
Hi Yogesh. As mentionned down there, being able to draw at any angle seems to be the thing to do : think about the way you'd rotate your sheet of paper. Or your Photoshop canvas. So, draw + edit. Yep, a lot of maths.
mano commented
Thanks for your consideration, freehand rotation on whatever direction like the rotate view tool in Photoshop.. not fixed angles or bounding boxes, the whole canvas (artboard) i think its what we are aiming for.
dandid commented
I'm really happy someone is potentially looking into this, i get hopeful every time there is a new point release that i might spot the word Rotate...
Doug Roberts commented
Editing, certainly. If it could be made similar to the tool in PS that would be nice.
Anonymous commented
I would like the artboard to operate like a piece of paper or like the photoshop artboard. All drawing/transforms/editing/etc should work regardless of the artboard rotation. Thanks!
dandid commented
Edit of course!?
do any of you guys use the apps you make!?
it seems most people that are in total bewilderment as to why this isn't already available are using the app at least some of the time for packaging. Im pretty sure almost every single bit of packaging that has been made in the last 15 years has gone via illustrator at least at some point. And for us its just mental that this isn't already here.
For your basic box package, then just 90º rotation is what you need, but you really do need to be able to edit it to. I'm aiming low with my request here as like I say - been waiting decades for this function!
we can already use the same clunky work arounds we've been forced into with screen rotation and editing in an upside down view, or using wacom controls to reverse mouse behavior at the same time. we all just want to be able to adjust stuff on a box with out standing on out heads. so rotate but no edit is going to be practically useless.
I'm sure there are illustrators who would like any and all random rotation, and I have plenty of packs with angled panels so ideally any angle or at least type-in fixed angles.
But yes in all instances I want to be able to could be a clunky type-in angle. or drop down list from the navigator panel, rather than a swishy tool, in fact the total random rotate in photoshop is not really ideal for my own needs,
Or in an ideal universe an additional option to have individual art-boards rotated too, so that we can output an angled panel as at a vertical / 90º position.just out of interest is there some good reason this 'feature' isn't already available? i was asking my dad where the 'button' for this was in 1992.
Luís Camacho commented
I'd enjoy drawing/editing at an angle, it would be great for freehand illustration, or editing text that's sideways in a box. But even just viewing would be an improvement.
dandid commented
I've been asking for years, waiting for years. adobe do you really care? i don't need touch bar updates i need basic functions! so bored of waiting for this app to finally catch up with itself, iron out the bugs and add missing basic features, rather than them wasting so much time making new junk for us to complain about. surely existing customers are more useful than new ones in the long run? do they realise this app is starting to look like 'QuarkXpress',,, and the 'InDesign' of vector will be along soon, its pretty much here already in fact. Adobe better watch their backs!
Davey Morgan commented
Please add the rotate view tool to Illustrator! I'm on CS6 and I will buy CC in a heart beat if this tool was added. There are so many artist and inkers out there that would benefit from this. It doesn't seem like it's that complicated to add. Of course it's rotating vectors instead of pixels, but you can already select all of the vectors on an artboard and rotate them. This feature would be more natural like illustrating on a piece of paper. This would be helpful since Adobe Illustrator is not available for the iPad Pro.
WilliamJaramilloSTAAR commented
It doesn't have to be dynamic like Photoshop but it can be through a menu dialog, InDesign has it, i.e.:
Menu>View>Rotate Spread> 90 CW - 90 CCW - 180 - Clear Rotation.
You don't need anything else...or if you do, you can work around with this. -
Luís Camacho commented
As Pia commented, in packaging and box design this feature is a must. I think that 90 degree step rotation might be enough, although free rotation like in Photoshop would be the best. It's also not unheard of for vector applications, for example, Adobe's own Illustrator draw for iOS/Android does it.
Patsies commented
Please feature rotate view in AI. I have been waiting for years for this feature.
Pia Backhausen commented
I am a graphic designer who specializes in design for packaging and boxes.
It is most annoying that I have to turn my head 90, -90, or 180 degrees see the design on a box's different sides and totally incomprehensible that a feature like the "Rotade Spread" in InDesign doesn't exist in Illustrator – the ability to rotate both artboard AND artwork at the same time.
Hope for a miracle in the near future :)))
[Deleted User] commented
As I read in the original post, the question is really to have a "Photoshop like" canvas rotation, which means any angle, rotated fast and easily reset to 0° (equivalent to the "R" key in Ps). But what is "easy" in Ps, since we're "only" rotating pixels on a graphic card, is complicated in Ai because everything has to be calculated and might lead to imprecision.
That's where some "usage scope" is interesting : Pen tool users, rectangles and basic shape builders will not (really) need that. Those interested are users of the brush/pencil tool, each having an interpolation and "imprecision" that is "accepted" through users (although everyone would love the tolerance to be "just as my hand traced it").
Concerned by the tools, I guess, first ones are Wacom intuos owners. not really concerned : Cintiq owners since they can turn around their screen like a real paper sheet; Mouse and trackpad owners I'm not sure, although some may use the pencil, but I guess not as a "path creation tool".
Ares Hovhannesyan commented
We can flip artboatd in artboard mode from landscape to portrait. Dose it not make sense?
Shivendra Agarwal commented
Need more info.
Is the requirement limited to 90degree rotation of artboards ? Can portrait/ landscape change with artboards content rotation be sufficient? Or more fine tuned rotation is also intended.