Auto Spell Check (red squiggly line like InDesign, Microsoft and other products)
Illustrator REALLY needs to have a feature (that you can turn on or off) for spell check to have the red squiggly line underneath mis-spelled words, like what InDesign, Microsoft, and many other programs have.

I am happy to share that ‘Auto spell-check’ feature has been shipped in the latest version of Illustrator. Here is how to enable/disable it in the latest release :
Amit Kava commented
Auto Spell Check (red squiggly line like InDesign, Microsoft and other products) not proper worked.
Please check attachment. -
Anonymous commented
I can't find the setting to turn it on... Do I have to reinstall illustrator to make the settings appear?
LRSmith commented
New to windoze, why doesn't spell check follow to the word so I can see what I'm correcting? Does this work for Macs or am I thinking of InDesign. If so, any chance you can have spell check move to where the word in question is?
Brandon commented
OMG!!!!!!! it has finally happened. Thank you so much for this I have already seen it make a difference in my work. This is going to be huge in giving designers their power back. I really appreciate this feature.
Anonymous commented
2020 version has it OMG after upwards of 10 years of asking for this feature it has finally been done. I have just finished a job for a client where I spelt ONE word wrong. It was an order of service for a funeral. 3 people looked at the job multiple times and no one picked it up. The whole job has had to be reprinted and I will probably lose my client over it. It was such and important job. I was guttered. This morning, I went online to see what the progress was on getting this feature through Adobe and there it was, its been done, but you have to switch it on before it works by going to Edit>spelling>autospell check. If I had known this before today, I would be in a much better position. I'm absolutely guttered that I have made this mistake on a very important job for an extremely important client. It is going to cost me dearly in an already strained market, right on Christmas. Too little to late. but thanks anyway Adobe for listening after 10 years.
Anonymous commented
Jacqueline Garonski commented
Thank you! -
Anonymous commented
"We will be picking it up shortly" October 09, 2017
From my view, "Shortly" is not more than 2 years.
Kyle Kohatsu commented
Lara Hardy commented
Carly Liczyk you can angle the text in illustrator with the shear tool.
Amit Kava commented
I think we need to contact call directly adobe or discuss in direct social media in public sharing from all the adobe illustrator users.
Carly Liczyk commented
We need bullet points for heaven sake! Why hasn't this been implemented yet? I've been patiently waiting YEARS for these features.
Basically everything that indesign has, illustrator should have to.
- Being able to align text to top, center or middle
- Being able to change the angle of the text so that you can make it an italic
- Dynamic spell checking -
Slappy K commented
Thanks, Mollie!!
Mollie Helms Durbin commented
I didn't know about it until today either. And it does appear that they are working on it!
Slappy K commented
So, how does one join the "prerelease group"?
Anonymous commented
Join the prerelease group and you will see... stop bashing... its being worked on..
Anonymous commented
After following this thread for a couple years I’m just not confident in any comments here saying it’s being worked on.
As much as I would like to think they are working on it, I’ll believe it when the update actually goes through or a newsletter/SM posting about it.Could always make mass meme posts on Adobe’s public Twitter/Facebook page. Be more visible to them than this thread.
Anonymous commented
They are working on it now...
Anonymous commented
What is your definition of "shortly". That comment is nearly 3 years ago. We as your paying customers are crying out for this feature. Can you PLEASE ANSWER THIS!
Vince Maggio commented
We have been asking for dynamic spelling using a red line to alert to errors for YEARS.. When will adbe who is very quick in taking our Cloud Fees going to react to a SIMPLE fix we as a group of loyal users have been asking for Years. I know people who have moved on to other options due to the lack of Urgency from Adobe.. Help me understand why we need to beg for this. You have the coding already in Indesign you just need to adopt it to ILLUSTRATOR