Change the layer an object is located on
If you have a large artboard with multiple objects and layers it is really time consuming to organize your layers when all you can do is drag and drop. I think it would be useful if you could right click on an object and "move to layer" like you can in muse.

There is a way – let us know if this works for you.
- Select the object(s).
- Highlight the layer you want the selection to go to.
- Object menu or right-click > Arrange > Send to Current Layer
Hm, strange, the Send to Current Layer routine works for me, the command is enabled. Anders, are you sure it does not? Can you record it, with the Layers in view and the menu?
Anders commented
The "Send to Current Layer" is disabled
Anonymous commented
YES!!! Big time YES! I use this feature all the time in Rhino3d.