Allow gradient swatches to be added to CC library
It's great to have colors in the cc library but why can't those colors be gradients too? Please allow us to add gradient swatches to the cc library. Thanks
Jayse Hansen commented
So obviously needed. Grads should be allowed in folders, libraries and exports. Why in 2019 are they treated like 4th class citizens! Grads are lovely, essential beings. Let's give 'em some love. :-)
Anonymous commented
This really needs to be implemented. Still not available
Benjamin Weiler commented
You can work around it with cloud libraries: create a rectangle, fill it with your gradient and add that to your library elements. Not ideal, but when in a pinch...
Tobias commented
Hey guys - are there any workarounds or possibilities to add these gradients to the libraries... This an really annoying "non-feature" :/ I spent over 40mins about trying it...
Stephen Longwill commented
Add, add, add please!!!
An commented
This really would help my workflow.
Carrie commented
It never occurred to me that this wouldn't be possible until I tried to do it today. WOW.
Reges Terpstreet commented
This is such an obvious feature, I hope it will be added soon because I too need to use a workaround now.
Anonymous commented
My current workaround is to have objects to which the gradients are applied in a file. When i nee the gradients, I copy those objects in and can transfer the gradients. It might be possible to push those objects into the graphic cloud library and in doing so build a kind of gradient swatch replacement that can be referenced from anywhere.
Needless to say, a proper storage option would be a LOT better.
Kaye commented
This would save me so much time! I've developed several work arounds when using custom gradients for particular clients (they need to remain consistent, so trying to recreate it everytime I need it in a new document is not a safe option), but none of my work arounds really save me any time. It would be great if gradients could be added to the CC Libraries AND color themes. Having this feature would GREATLY improve the workflow process.
Phil commented
Really? I guess I just spent at least 30 minutes trying to figure out how to do something that isn't even possible. Never occurred to me that that is not a feature. Very odd.
Avery commented
How is this not implemented yet?
Gemma commented
would love this feature!
Jonathan Clark commented
This will be a useful time-saving feature that will also aid in providing consistency for branded art & design works.
Anonymous commented
Agreed, please allow the adding of gradients. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
Es wäre äußerst wünschenswert, diese Funktion zu implementieren. Bei einem aktuellen Projekt wäre dies sehr hilfreich
Anonymous commented
I agree! where are the gradients??!!
Anonymous commented
Yes Please! Setting up a gradient can take quite awhile. It would be great to be able to save them.
Just an user commented
Please keep calm, Adobe still needs to review it - meanwhile keep those payments coming.
Megan Smith commented
I agree 100%! This is so frustrating.