Introduce Undo History panel
Please introduce Undo panel to Adobe Illustrator, listing all the steps that have been performed on a document during the current session, so one can quickly switch between any previous state and current state after testing a number of changes by clicking any item in the displayed Undo stack.
See this Adobe Forums thread for details:

Andreas Urra commented
I just had to do a bunch of Image Trace option modifications. Each single Undo takes considerable time. So I went for the History Panel. And came up here. Please, Adobe, this is really needed.
Bruno, please add your vote to the already published requests about History panel: -
Anonymous commented
Spent a half hour looking for the history panel and ending up here. This is not as useful as a history panel would have been a half hour ago.
Bruno commented
Poderíamos ter um histórico de ações igual ao Photoshop. Desta forma conseguiríamos selecionar ações específicas para voltar, ao invés de ficarmos dependentes do "Ctrl + Z'.
something commented
No history panel, no buying license for a painful "ctrl+z spiral of violence". Adobe, you decide.
Trevor commented
It would be really nice to have the history panel back. Having the history panel back would make it so you don't have to hit ctrl-z so many times.
Anonymous commented
Come on guys, seriously, it's not that hard
neon glittery commented
I second this!
Trenton MacLeod commented
Create a history panel or a way to see and choose the actions done, like in Photoshop, instead of having to press ctrl-z fifty times!
Daniel Kither commented
I can't believe Adobe haven't introduced this yet - not only to Illustrator, but to InDesign as well.
This is where Affinity is light years ahead, I'm afraid.
Ariel commented
I can't believe that Illustrator doesn't have a history panel already! It's so useful in photoshop as a quick gut-check to see whether or not I like what I'm doing or if I should just go back to a previous state.
Joyce commented
Yes, please, God. Right between "Graphic Styles" and "Image Trace" under Window...
applephx commented
The Illustrator team has been the best out of the Adobe development teams the past few years at improving the software. Kudos!
Here is another very important feature that is long, check out the demand for it :D
BTW...that forum thread links to a general support page of no help. Someone did start another request here: -
Upper Stage Media commented
Cant get a history window in AI but heres 10 web apps to make a 2d character animation based on your 720p webcam.
Anonymous commented
Why are we still asking for this!!!!?????
BrianH commented
I haven't needed it in the months that I've been using Illustrator until today. I got "lost" in my undos, and I couldn't tell which commands were doing what. I'm using a very large area and have multiple artboards, so I had no idea which areas were being affected or not. This would have been instrumental in my situation.
Claudia commented
Is the making of the history panel in the works? I would find it very helpful. I often use it in Photoshop and just started using illustrator and was immediately searching for this feature.
Anonymous commented
It would also be interesting for each object to have a history of the actions performed on it. Sometimes we don't remember something we did and it worked very well and we would like to do it again on another object.
Yasmine commented
Like in photoshop and other programmes introduce a History panel to make things easier.
if you don't like the idea, you can make it an optional click in the preferences or something but for some people this is a must! -
Anonymous commented
I have been an Adobe user for so long. I have taught it, it has been a source of income, and considering the alternatives, I cannot live without it.
I remember my joy at the groundbreaking introduction of the history panel in Photoshop. It has been useful in more ways than I could have imagined.
I don't understand why there isn't one in Illustrator? Is it just too hard to develop? Would it take too much memory? Would users hate it? There really isn't a reason...
Please get together a couple Illustrator developers and put them on the history panel team. Do you already have a team that is failing? Then transfer them to Acrobat DC and get some new blood in there.