Introduce Undo History panel
Please introduce Undo panel to Adobe Illustrator, listing all the steps that have been performed on a document during the current session, so one can quickly switch between any previous state and current state after testing a number of changes by clicking any item in the displayed Undo stack.
See this Adobe Forums thread for details:

Rosey commented
I agree - Can't believe Adobe has not implemented this change already. How frustrating to have to hit CMD + Z 50 times to undo a change you just wanted to try out. This is a basic function that's desperately needed.
Pepefrog commented
Im just wondering why its not implemented already?
Nenad Pelovic commented
Make Undo/Redo as a timeline option so we can quickly 'slide' through our changes. (something like timeframe in flash)
V@no commented
I don't understand how is this doesn't exist?
Tony commented
It already exists in photoshop.
Anonymous commented
Having only used Illustrator for a couple of weeks, there is one feature that I heavily miss: a HISTORY PANEL.
In my opinion, this would seriously improve the workflow and give me more possibilities to try something. While you can get around this problem using various layers or saving multiple files, wouldn't a histroy panel be much easier? Also, why include this feature in Photoshop but not in Illustrator? -
Peter B. Sims commented
This is unacceptable to not have this feature.
HC commented
Not only will this save time, but you can also see steps you have done between where you are undoing to current. I just redid a thing with a thousand CTRL Z's (exaggeration but felt like it haha), and it undid a layer I had implemented. I just noticed it a little later. Thankfully, this was an easy redo, but I did forget about it and had no way of seeing it in history... unless I went to edit->undo "[action]" every single time. This also goes along with the whole reason for the history window - time is money!
I StM I commented
I mean it’s so basic and vital it ahould already be there -
Mostafa Shenawy commented
Zuleyra Perez commented
Please add this feauture! Mayor deep hole in Ai.
Anonymous commented
This seems like a no-brainer. Frustrated that I have to start a project over simply because I cannot trace a simple error.
Bec commented
It would be very useful if Illustrator had an Undo History panel so that people do not have to continually press undo and/or control+z constantly if they needed a major change. I know that illustrator hasn't had that feature for a long time/if ever. This would greatly help many of us. Thank you for possibly looking into this...
Charlie Desper commented
I could've sworn this was already in Illustrator until I spent 10 minutes hunting for and couldn't find it. I ended up googling and it blew my mind this wasn't already in Illustrator. Please add this feature. I live and die by it in Photoshop. It allows me to toy around with different options very quickly and easily.
Larissa commented
I'm heartbroken to discover that this isn't a possibility. I created outlines on an image and realized later that i needed to change the stroke. Well, too late now and I can't ctrl+z far enough back.
What is Adobe's answer??
Anonymous commented
I'm shocked that many of the other products have this. I went on a design hiatus about nine years ago. Photoshop had it then, and, if memory serves, so did InDesign. How is it a History panel hasn't made it into Illustrator?
Kimberly Javier commented
Seriously, this would come in handy.
Nick commented
I'm mostly voting for this because history states would be very useful in scripting.
Anonymous commented
Please give us a history panel.
Anonymous commented
This is the must. I need this right now and I am in such struggle.