Creative Cloud Files appear in Library Panel in Illustrator
Currently folders and files in the Creative Cloud Files folder are local and synchronise with the cloud. They are visible on the website but are separate from Creative Cloud Libraries that we use inside Illustrator. It’s tantalisingly close to being an awesome feature, yet…
Please join them up! Make creative cloud files visible in the libraries panel in Illustrator, and vice versa; and make the libraries available locally.

Tyson Blood commented
I just spent a hour with chat/technical support trying to figure out why I cant export my "logos" (vector files) all separately. I was able to upload them in large batches and you can download them individually as .ai or .eps or .png but as soon as you select 2 files the download button disappears.
So there are multiple problems, one is you spend all this time creating libraries and adobe doesn't let you back them up or export them for whatever reason. say your canceling your service? i'm trying to export each one as a SVG so I can upload them to a website and have the website match the same library of logos. ive spent years creating this library and now I need all of them separate for this website and I cant do it.
If these were combined in our Creative Cloud files then all the files would be in one locations saved and I could easily add more so they would work in the library. they are saved somewhere on Adobe's servers, just accessible through cloud files.
This would solve so many issues if CC files were linked to CC libraries. I'm assuming our libraries is taking up space on our cloud storage limit so why shouldn't we be able to access them.
if I upload videos to my library for use in Premier Rush they are saved in my CC files.. so why not libraries save in our CC files too?
Anonymous commented
Another mega-important reason for this feature that occurs to me is "what if Adobe decide to modify library functionality?". They've modified/removed features before (eg. the colour themes panel)!
There's really nothing stopping Adobe from deciding to get rid of the libraries feature entirely. All that time invested in creating a valuable resource would just go up in smoke. It makes CC libraries a potentially risky thing to rely upon in ones workflow.
But if our libraries were synced locally then no worries. Whatever Adobe decides to do at their end, at least our asset libraries would be safe...
Helen commented
So, sync CC Libraries locally as well as on the cloud? Makes sense to me! Surely this is a simple matter to implement? Here are some benefits off the top of my head;
• It would enable you to curate a library of CC files in Bridge AND have them accessible to the whole team in AI where they’re needed (the present setup where CC files and CC libraries are separate does not allow this). This enables you to run batch operations to customise library items from Illustrator. Super powerful stuff!
• We’ve made some types of assets in full 3D rotation, e.g. figures, vehicles, buildings etc. and we store them in a set of master files. If the libraries and local files were synced, then we could export each asset straight from the file and have each one individually available in the library panel. This would make it possible to make tweaks to the colour and style to the whole set of assets in the master file, and then have those changes flow straight through to the library for the whole team.
• Linking files – as above, create a master file full of assets e.g. icons, logos, branding materials etc. Then export them to the library and link them in projects in AI, Indesign, Muse etc. So far so familiar but now you can have them appear in the library panel too!
• At the moment, libraries are tied to the account that created them, meaning that if the account is cancelled due to that person leaving the company, all the work they did in the library is lost too. Doh! The solution is to manually transfer assets out of the old account, but, when you’ve got several dozen libraries containing tens of thousands of assets, that’s going to take quite a bit of time. If the libraries were synced locally and shared across teams, this issue would go away! -
Mark Nicoll commented
This is a super-important idea that would save us lots of time and enable new ways of working. For instance, we could use a script to export assets straight to the library.
At the moment we have tens of thousands of files on our local server that we can't access directly through the library panel. And we have tens of thousands of library items that we can't download or view locally. And we can't use a script to export assets to the library.
If CC Files and CC Libraries were joined up,