Make Pathfinder work with groups properly
Allow for the Pathfinder to operate on groups of objects as if the group were one object. Possibly its own pathfinder function.
If I am working with a group it is understood that I want to work with those items as one object. However, when using the pathfinder to minus front, and the object below is part of a group it just deletes the entire group along with the portion of the top object that I wanted to get rid of. When would that be useful? This will also be posted as a bug, because that is how I view this.

Meanwhile Sergey Osokin wrote a script to do that:
Some few limitations apply, but it's much more cooler than nothing we have now! -
Vasileios Mavrikios commented
I cant believe that this is still not an option in AI.
Compound path works ok if you want to treat a group of elements with exactly the same characteristics.
But if the grouped elements have different hues or transparency, then this information is lost after turning them into a compound path.I find it hard to accept that Adobe cannot resolve this issue most likely they prefer to pretend it does not exist.
Oh yes is 2022
Roderick Anthony commented
The trick is to press Alt (for Windows) while clicking the subtract tool, the thing to be subtracted being in front (arrange).
(Edited by admin) -
Kevin commented
Can't agree more! Corel Draw has been doing this for 20 years!!!!! Embarrassing a software this advanced can't do this one simple thing.
Anonymous commented
This drives me absolutely insane. Come on Adobe?
Even XD can do that.... WTF???
Laurens Deprez commented
Had the same frustration, but this solution works for me:
1. Select the group (only the first group object where you want to cut a piece out of)
2. De-group but keep all selected (in right-click menu)
3. Make compound path, (in right-click menu) now it becomes a single object, without filling all the "holes"
4. Now you can use all pathfinder functions without a problem -
Tomas Buiting commented
Its 2020 and the fact we still cant apply pathfinder tools to groups is insane. And the compound path trick does jack all when you want to retain the separate pieces. Like for instance creating a donut graph. You could turn the pie slices into a compound path and then apply a minus front pathfinder tool to it, but guess what? It'll combine all those pie slices into one single object, which completely defeats the purpose of said chart...
For that matter, why isnt there a proper graph tool in Indesign?
Anonymous commented
The answer to this is to select all, Expand Appearance from the Object Menu and then apply the pathfinder filter.
Ollie Jacobs commented
Thank you mystery person this is the fix "Make the group into a compound path (object ->compound->make) this turns the group into a single object so you can then minus front."
So you need to do this with all the objects you are working with to use path finder.... for some reason lol.
It's not a bug it s just very confusing, and I agree path finder should be more workable with groups.
Clarke Boyer commented
January 19, 2020 and dealing with the exact same problem. I have a ~70 parallel lines forming a background and trying to cut circles out on top. Will not minus front. Lame! Frustrating!
Tom commented
I agree, if it’s a large group I will Make a simple clipping path, then Crop that clipped group with pathfinder.
eunice commented
having the same problem and it's getting really annoying. when you group objects, it's assumed that they are going to be one whole object, right? so why does minus front delete all the other objects? ughhhhh
jussimir commented
Mr Toby commented
Grouping objects is broken with the latest 2019 update???? I cant group anything.
Anonymous commented
I'm trying to get ***** holes lined up on several objects, and let me tell you, it's been a big problem for me, too. Compound path doesn't work for a group whose objects don't intersect. I dread opening Illustrator.
Anonymous commented
Make the group into a compound path (object ->compound->make) this turns the group into a single object so you can then minus front.
Ever since Pathfinder treats groups wrong.
Here's simple steps to prove it:
1. Create several rectangles or other paths near each other, overlapping and not
2. Group them
3. Draw an ellipse that overlaps group, crossing each path within it
4. Select everything
5. Use SubtractWhat do you think people want to do when they do this?
I think that people want an ellipse-shaped hole in every path of the group.What does AI do?
It deletes everything in group except bottom-most path and subtract ellipse only from it.Why would ever want to do this?
Pathfinder should treat groups as single object and all it's operation should work for all group's parts, not a topmost one and deleting underlying.It works right in CorelDraw.
It works right in Xara.
It doesn't work in Affinity YET. -
This is very much undervoted.
Pathfinder should treat groups as single object and all it's operation should work for all group's parts, not a topmost one and deleting underlying. -
Tony commented
Allow for the pathfinder to operate on groups of objects as if the group were one object. Possibly its own pathfinder function. If I am working with a group it is understood that I want to work with those items as one object. However, when using the pathfinder to minus front, and the object below is part of a group it just deletes the entire group along with the portion of the top object that I wanted to get rid of. When would that be useful?