Increment/Decrement Stroke Weight key commands
My kingdom for Increment/Decrement Stroke Weight key commands! These commands could be bound to the [ and ] keys by default since this is how you control brush weight. It would be wonderful if you could set the increment/decrement amounts in Preferences as well!
There are two more scripts to help up with this problem, StrokesWeightUp and Down, be Sergey Osokin: would require some external mapping (Ai still doesn’t offer a way to map direct hotkeys to scripts — upvote this request for having it:
Mario commented
It would be great if you could increment/decrement font size of a text object as well!
Lisa commented
I landed here because I tried to look up how to change the increments in which the size of the brush stroke changes when pressing the { and} keys. I can't believe I won't be able to change the increments because its not even an option.
Tenton commented
The people at Adobe don't care.
William E. Bemis commented
My work mixes italic and Roman inmost illustrations because I need to specify the scientific names of organisms. I waste an inordinate amount of time dealing with this. Why can't we have Roman, bold, and italic hot keys as in, for example, Word. This has been a problem for me since 1997 when I started using Illustrator. Please fix this! It drives me nuts every day!
Willy -
Jared commented
I can't believe it's 2020, version 2021, and we still don't have this... Adobe... you asleep.
crode, files got dropped upon attachment it seems...
Therefore two direct links: -
crode, here you are.
Yes, Karabiner could help.
In scripts you should check units. I work in CMYK and metric scale mostly, you could edit it to perform for your cause. -
crode commented
For Mac: if you assign scripts (+ & -) wrapped in actions assigned to Fkeys, you can use a service like BetterTouchTool or Karabiner Elements to remap them for illustrator.
Bit of a workaround, but with BTT you're able to make essentially a virtual knob to do this if you have a track pad.
I'd suggest BTT and try it for a month, better UI than KE. KE is the free option though, but go BTT.
crode commented
I would be very interested in those scripts
Ryan, I can share two scripts (plus and minus) you can wrap in actions and assign F hotkeys to it. Will it suffice for now? I agree it should come from the box, but this works too.
And if you are on Windows, you can use AHK to reassign them to any other combination you want, not only Fs. Mac has something other for this, I forgot the name. -
Dominic commented
yes , please. I dont like click click and click
dh commented
PointControl - - $20 USD - Mac only
Not a Key Command but one click in floating pane adjusts all selected strokes by % of current weight or by points. And all that other stuff, too. -
Anonymous commented
YES! CMD+Shift+Greater Than/Less Than for sure
Robert Richards commented
Increase a selected objects stroke size with a keyboard shortcut.
Jayse Hansen commented
1000% YES!
fr10wi commented
it would be nice
Leonardo Nascimento commented
Great. Today I use two actions to increase and decrease the weight.
DrMissile commented
100% agree and am also amazed this isn't a feature yet.
Colby commented