Jayse Hansen
My feedback
31 results found
35 votes
752 votesStarted (Available in Beta) ·
AdminAvinash Singh Kotwal (Principal Product Manager, Adobe Illustrator) responded
Adobe Illustrator's Multithreading Journey Begins!
Dear Illustrator Community,
I'm thrilled to announce that we've embarked on an exciting journey to bring multithreading capabilities to Adobe Illustrator. This significant undertaking will enhance performance and responsiveness across various aspects of the application.
While this is a complex process that will take some time to fully implement, I wanted to share our progress so far.
Our Approach
We've strategically begun by focusing on the most computationally intensive operations—those that typically take more time and block the main thread, resulting in slower response times while you work. By moving these operations to separate threads, we aim to significantly improve your overall experience with Illustrator.
It's important to note that you may see more noticeable impact in some areas than others initially. However, we want to assure you that this is just the beginning, and we will continue this journey to bring improvements across…
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Jayse Hansen commented
LoL @Andrew... yeup.......
An error occurred while saving the comment Jayse Hansen commented
@Jeron yep - super frustrating. XD seems way too simple, but then you find all the complexity under the hood and it can do a surprising amount. And I think things like the per-canvas layer stack are things I can never live without now. Layers are odd at first but make a ton of sense as you work with them. Also - free plugins help bridge a lot of gaps. XD needs updates as well - of course - but it's definitely an app made for doing modern work, and it feels great using it. Super speeeeeedy!
An error occurred while saving the comment Jayse Hansen commented
@Jeron actually I do large format posters, shirt designs and print in XD. (that's how much I like the experience better) - you just have to create canvases at that pixel dimension, or, just export at 4x, or copy paste as the end step into Ai. It's surprisingly capable.
When I say Ai is dead, it's more from a perspective of directly and indirectly trying to get these kinds of updates since 2010. I've accepted that it's probably more likely to be reborn than re-engineered.
Keep in mind. I'm a huge illustrator fan. I probably wasn't clear if you thought I disagreed with you. I agree totally. I've just been waiting for longer than a decade. I came up with the idea of Ai being dead about 6 years ago and it just helped me have peace with it rather than get all frustrated. They have yet to prove me wrong.
And yes. I'll be the biggest celebrator when they merge Figma and XD (And Framer).
An error occurred while saving the comment Jayse Hansen commented
Illustrator is dead. For the most part.
One day, it will be replaced by what they're slowly rebuilding from scratch on iPad. (Borrowing from the excellent XD app.)
Years ago, I watched them recreate After Effects for performance from the ground up, and that was years of hot mess. Users were furious. To avoid that, it appears that they're basically redoing the apps to be web/iPad apps, which is smart and future forward. They've been super slow with it tho, probably because of lack of competition. (just buy Figma or Freehand etc. if something competitive shows up)
But hopefully that shines some light on what they're likely doing in this domain. For speedier, more pleasant experience of Ai, try the iPad version, XD and or the competitors.
Ai used to be my daily driver for 10 hour days, now, I do the same work, but Ai is not even a shortcut in my dock. 🤷♂️ (99% replaced by XD).
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
112 votes
We have released the support for Pattern swatches in CC Library with our latest release - v29.3
You can select the swatch in swatches panel and add it to CC Library through the button on the bottom bar in the panel. You can also select any object which has pattern applied and add that pattern to CC Library through Add Elements (+ button at the bottom) from the Libraries panel and choose Fill Pattern from the drop-down menu.
Update to this version from your Creative Cloud Desktop application and let us know your feedback.
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
37 votes
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
53 votes
Hello everyone,
Lately we have been thinking about improving the snapping / smartguide experience on Illustrator and we need your help in this process.
Please spare us some time of yours where we can come together on a online meeting and discuss your needs and pain point around snapping.
Please use this link to book an appointment : https://calendar.app.google/r6SRMqu9KJZvoXAE6
An error occurred while saving the comment Jayse Hansen commented
This is so true. For UI stuff, smart guides and snapping are AWFUL and useless. However, in InDesign, Photoshop, XD and nearly ANY program that has snapping and guides - they work BRILLIANTLY. Why is this?
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
95 votes
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Jayse Hansen commented
1000% YES!
39 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jayse Hansen commented
It is ABSURD and painful. Rearranging the UI with its one-pixel hit state, and transforms always wanting to rotate rather than scale, or scale rather than stretch. It's awful when it should be fantastic. Other programs all get it right.
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
92 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jayse Hansen commented
Would be awesome! Mirra/Realtime board does this exceptionally well and has become my go to for it. But native in AI would be so much better.
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
91 votes
Illustrator allows option to Simulate Color Paper, whereby user can pick any color as the background. (This is accessible from File -> Document Setup)
Does this help solve the described concerns?
An error occurred while saving the comment Jayse Hansen commented
Hugely agreed. Making a dark box as a background for every document is highly tedious. Changing to transparency grid and making both checker-box colors dark SHOULD work - but it doesn't because it messes with all your thumbnails and also makes a 'broken line' outline to your artboard. Please add this essential option asap.
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
145 votes
The 29.1 general release now allows to add gradient and pattern swatches into color groups.
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
117 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jayse Hansen commented
Highly agreed - working in AI is a HUGE pain now - always rotating when you just want to scale. Or scaling a corner even though you just want to stretch from the center. It's especially noticeable on wacom tablets, however every other app gets it right. (InDesign, Xd, Mirra, Photoshop etc.) What's up AI team? It's a major pain to have to zoom in every time you want to do a transform.
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
77 votes
With the release of V29.0, Knife tool now supports smartguide.
Please try out this functionality and let us what you think!
An error occurred while saving the comment Jayse Hansen commented
This has always puzzled me as well. Why does the tool always seems broken? Making it work like Egor describes would be much better.
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
162 votes
Live preview of color is now live in Illustrator 27.1.1, for Color Picker dialog, Color panel, Properties and Control panel, and Appearance panel.
It works in GPU mode only.
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
118 votes
Hi Everyone,
This functionality has been shipped in June-2021 version of Illustrator.
The option "Paste without Formatting (Alt+Ctrl+V)’ has been added to the ‘Edit’ Menu.
Thanks for your feedback.
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
91 votesCompleted (Comments Open) · 14 comments · Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests » Other... · Admin →
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
200 votes
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
282 votes
Eyedropper is now available in the color picker dialogue to help you select color from your artwork.
Please download the latest version of Illustrator (V29.2 and above) to experience the changes and let us know your feedback.
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
197 votes14 comments · Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests » Effects, Appearance, Graphic Styles · Admin →
Ai allows to use Halftone effects via Effect -> Pixelate -> Color halftone.
What specific cases are not solvable through the use of this?
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
288 votes
The latest Illustrator build (v29.2) now offers a way to see the distances between a selected object and an object hovered over / edges of an artboard.
- Click on the object you want to measure the distance from
- Press Opt/Alt and hover over the object that you want to measure distance to
- You can also hover over empty area to see the distance from the selected object and the artboard boundaries
Please try it and come back with the feedback.
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
301 votes
Hi Everyone, This feature has been available since August 2020 release (version 24.3). Please update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html Thank you for all the feedback.
You can now select multiple layers in Layers panel. Click the bars (they get highlighted blue) if you want to operate layers and not their content (e.g. to drag to reorder) or click their markers to select their content — circle (target ones) or square (selection ones) next to them. There is no real difference which to pick, but if you want to select a range of layers, using Shift, use target markers.
Jayse Hansen supported this idea ·
The bigger threat is actually simpler new-gen apps like Canva. Adobe has tried several times to copy this trend, but they're thinking too old school, too complicated, and too much about money-focused solutions (Adobe stock) vs user-focused solutions. Meanwhile, Canva is taking all the new-school would-be users. The new 'pros' aren't going to even consider Ai, InDesign etc. (I started by mastering Quark & Freehand, then Pagemaker/Illustrator, then InDesign, so I don't say that lightly.)
Ai could revolutionize, but it'll take someone leading with a modern vision, and more than the handful of devs currently dedicated to it.