Add isometric drawing tools
Von Glitchka has an isometric drawing tools course on I love producing drawings, but by adding one or two tools illustrator you could save alot of time and effort.

Mason commented
It's a complete disgrace that this isn't a default mode in illustrator. Take the Creative Suite away from Adobe. They are mismanaging it. They need to be fired.
Gabi commented
Yes, I would be especially happy about an isometric grid.
Chris Coffin commented
+1 for this. I have tried Axo Tool which is nice, but it's missing some critical features that other apps such as Affinity Designer have.
There should be the option to create an isometric grid, define the divisions, spacing and more. Also to draw on the different planes (Like the perspective grid tool) where it cleanly and neatly snaps onto the intersections, and you can easily create things quickly in that perspective.
Attached is a screenshot of Affinity Designers rather intuitive controls and tools for isometric design. I really think Illustrator should take a page from their book, and implement it within their software. It's a glaringly obvious hole in their otherwise complete & all powerful illustration tool.
Emile, RJ's Open Offset is flawed and gives errors on complex paths. If you know nothing about AstuteGraphics and their plugins — I envy you a bit :) They have more refined Open Offset and many more. Subscription based but this is worth every coin. Other plugins by other devs are more specific. On AG's site there is a special page that has a good list.
Emile commented
Egor, I trialled them for an hour yesterday, then bought the whole productivity pack, they were that good. Like I say; also went through some of my old requests here as he had already made the tools! (open offset).
not to go off-topic, but can you recommend other 3rd party devs or a site with recommendations? I wish I'd known about RJ years ago ;-)
Emile, I hope Adobe won't buy his toolset or AstuteGraphics', or any other 3rd party developers :) They keep Ai afloat.
Yes, buy them for yourself, they are awesome! Some of other tools are a bit obsolete now, but they were irreplaceble back then. -
Emile commented
Are you suggesting adobe will implement his tools, or to buy his plugins? (they work with Ai 2020.)
In any case, thanks for the tip! His plug ins are amazing, and actually solve other requests I've wanted! -
Wait for the AxoTool plugin imminent release by RJGraffix. It'll basically cover up everything you could need for axonometry (excluding grids).
Gaurav Agrawal commented
Mark commented
It's inconceivable in the age of minecraft that we still have to create isometric grids ourselves. I've never been able to create a perfect isometric grid, as the intersection points are always a little bit off, which means that snap to point doesn't work properly. If Adobe would tackle this, they'd probably be able to code a properly functional isometric grid tool that works intuitively so that I could just get to work on a project instead of futzing with diagonal lines.
Edu Couchez commented
I use to work a lot with Procreate paint app for iPad Pro, it has added recently a awesome and simple grid selection system... sad I couldn't share here some screenshots.
It's simple and fast, in an independent view, you can see your artboard, with four different grids to choose for (normal grid, isometric, perspective and mirror mode), all with Guide Thickness and colour, Guide Opacity, Assisted Drawing on/off (to let drawing tools stick to the guides, and the most important, Grid Size, which create interactively a grid with the desired size, completely centred on the artboard, and no guides out of its boundaries... no copy-pasting guidelines, no unprecise manipulation in isometric way... no copying everything to a new file to create a new isometric design.
Also, it simplifies the process of create a complex perspective grid… in matter of seconds you can add all the points you need in the horizon line, ready to use in your layout, without interfering any of your drawing tools.
Nick commented
As a technical illustrator I typically work with isometric line art. I want to be able to draw natively in the three isometric planes, like the current Perspective Grid, only as iso. I know there are workarounds but manual grid creation is too cumbersome and should not be necessary. Also, the usual smart guides and snapping must be functional in an iso mode as well. thank you
Please also consider adding isometric grids
Andy Stoltz commented
YES PLEASE! I work almost exclusively doing technical illustration for patents and this would be very helpful. It should be as simple as turning on the perspective grid and defining the grid to have no vanishing point. additionally being able to custom define the angles of the different axis (xyz) would be useful along with presets like isometric, trimetric, and so on.
Mark commented
Agreed! It's crazy that I have to build my own (imperfect) isometric grid every time I want to create an isometric illustration. Plus, Illustrator struggles to rotate to 60 and 120 degree angles (critical for isometric work).