Real-time file collaborative editing, with multiple users at once
I would suggest that Illustrator can open a file on several devices, perhaps 2 or 3 max. and allow a team of designers to work and brainstorm on the same file at the same time as an online service from Adobe.
This can be used for other adobe design programs as well such as Photoshop.

Magali commented
Por favor, que al compartir un archivo, este se pueda trabajar en simultaneo ya que editar sin ver lo que realizan los compañeros es difícil y además tener que esperar que salgan del archivo para poder ingresar es poco práctico.
Eliot Randall commented
Two people in the same file please. Think google slides. Two cursers working at the same time in the same file
Jameson Officer-thurston commented
Is there any way we can get a cloud document feature where multiple users can work on the same document in real-time. Potentially adding a comment feature but only when the document is in a cloud format.
Rafael S. commented
As much as I can understand some people using this ping-pong type of editing what we NEED is a real-time editing.
It will require a decent internet connection for complex files but passing a cursor position and filter-tagged vectors with 5 digit float is not THAT heavy. Splice it into layers/chunks for performance, make it buffer from a local machine and maintain the connection to a fast CDN passing the file for both sides. If we can have cloud gaming stations why can't we have something truly excellent from Adobe?
The new Canvases were presented at MAX 2021 , that allow some sort of collaboration on a canvas. Some basic tasks can be done there.
As for the true Ai collaboration, you might want to try Invite to Edit, a big blue button in the top right corner of Ai window. Not yet simultaneous though, and for cloud documents only, obviously.
Diam commented
This would be a highly effective feature if it was tweaked a bit.
The collaborators should be able to edit the shared cloud document in real-time, enabling them to also edit the same document simultaneously. There should also be something to indicate when another collaborator is live, and depending on the editors settings (privacy should be an option) other collaborators can follow along with what they are doing from one editors viewpoint.
Currently, I am I noticing that the shared cloud document doesn't show up in the "Shared with you" right away for those who were invited. Instead, collaborators would have to open the document from their notifications.
Additionally, the shared cloud documents did not update immediately for the collaborators.
These changes would facilitate collaborative teamwork more effectively and efficiently! Please refer to the tech that Miro Board uses! They do those first couple features really well!
Gilad Sotil commented
I'm working for a big company and recently we updated our brand. I'm in charge of organizing the illustrations. As for now there is no way for me to share a file that could be updated online to all our designers. Something like Google slides for instance.
Mariana Nelson commented
If anyone here has worked in Figma, there is a really cool team collaborative projects that you can invite people and then you all can edit real-time. I think this would a benefit to online learning so the professor can watch their students' screens.
Anonymous commented
This idea would be amazing! my co worker and I work in different states and have been wishing for something like this for a long time! it would make everything more streamlined for us
mar commented
Inspired by the way Google Docs work and how you can edit a file on a shared Dropbox file and have it change to all users it is shared, it'd be really functional if two people could edit a file on at the same time.
I know this could be really challenging, but it'd make it better for users who work in teams or need to revise files.
Juan commented
It would be incredibly useful having an editing mode where you can edit your documents in real time with other people. That would be very interesting, as collaborative work is really necessary for many projects nowadays.