Auto-adjust text box to text
In the past, with Freehand, we could to do that by clicking on the bottom corner right of the text box.
Recover that would be a good idea.

Latest versions of Illustrator can do that.
If you have the bounding box enabled, double-click the bottom filled square handle to toggle Auto Size.
You can also do that in Area Type Options dialog.
There are two related requests:
1. Snap textframe size to content (like double-click in InDesign) — — this one is quite different compared to what Ai does
2. Allow Area Type to auto size with center and bottom alignment — -
There's 'Auto Size' option in Type > Area Type Options that does this
Carl commented
This has been driving me insane since I started using Illustrator ten years ago. I would also like the option of selecting text by clicking the actual letters and not that annoying invisible area around the text.
Ivan Sablaev (Sahba) commented
Ability to make the boundry of the are text to be resized to the amount of text in that box with a click, maybe on the top bar. We never make the text are box to the exact amount of text, especially in copy and paste which means it has to be resized manually EVERY time. A button to make is to contract will be helpful.
Jeffrey Guy commented
It would be nice if the selection area of text did NOT extend beyond the limits of the text itself. There is an invisible 'window' around text that will select the text when this are is clicked. It also aligns to the invisible window when aligning to other objects. Would like this are to be removed, so it is easier to select things around or near text.
Have NO idea what the purpose of this area is...