The Color panel pops up when you click on stroke/fill selector
The Color panel pops up every time you click on the stroke or fill selectors. There is no way to disable this panel from popping up, even if you close it, it will open and come to the forefront. Many of us don't need or use the color panel; we use the swatches or other panel. Why is this panel being forced on those of us who don't use/want it?

Daan Verkerk commented
Deselecting auto show hidden panels doesn’t work for me. It keeps showing up
MSN commented
Very thankful user 🙏@Alex: ✅ Right-click the color panel and deselect "auto-show hidden panels."
Giuseppe Craparotta commented
I just accepted the fact of having to move it beyond the screen edges... there's no other way around it
Baiba Dzilna commented
Yeah, still not fixed!!! It's insane how disturbing this is...
gabe mccool commented
Brady... I'm here in strong support! Here is what I was about to suggest... but I think you've expressed my frustration in a lot less words:
1. When working in a single monitor format with collapsable side bar panel menus… a simple update should be employed when it comes to how you drag a new color to your swatches pallette. Currently, if you want to add a color to an auto-collapsed swatches panel, the swatches palette has to be unhitched from the side bar, ( to keep from auto collapsing). It’s a minor inconvenience, but happens to me often enough that I think it deserves a quick look by programmers
My suggestion would be similar to how you can drag objects or multiple layers in photoshop to other open documents nested in the top bar.With multiple layers selected in Photoshop, with ease, you just drag from your current active doc window to the intended opened file.
In Illustrator, when I try and drag a new swatch over it shows a plus symbol while crossing the screen, (indicating that it’s been selected and is in transport for a new drop location), but when you hover over the swatch panel icon in the sidebar, the swatches library ignores your knock at the door.
Anyone else experience the same minor frustration?
Yoav Aviram commented
Pleaaaaaaaaaase fix this. Why don't you fix this....
Nikola Dola commented
Adobe Please fix this annoying problem!
Matt Judge commented
Just want to add to the urgency to fix this nonsense by suggesting that beyond "annoying" (which it is!) this problem is COSTLY. Those seconds add up to hours, and suck productivity away from professional designers' days.
Perhaps with a little metrics, there's a case for a CLASS ACTION SUIT to recoup those losses.
Hamed Nasri commented
fix this bug plz
Bagha Shams commented
We now have Illustrator 2021 and still this terribly annoying bug remains and hasn't even been looked at by Adobe. It's clear that no one at Adobe actually uses their own software, because if they did, they'd also be pulling their hair out due to this stupid bug that makes the unwanted color panel pop up all the time.
bryce lightbown commented
agreed this needs to be fixed!!
bryce lightbown commented
the Color panel pops up every time you click on the stroke or fill selectors. There is no way to disable this panel from popping up, even if you close it, it will open and come to the forefront. Many of us don't need or use the color panel; we use the swatches or other panels. Why is this panel being forced on those of us who don't use/want it?
bryce lightbown commented
the Color panel pops up every time you click on the stroke or fill selectors. There is no way to disable this panel from popping up, even if
Janine commented
I was on the hunt for a solution to this annoying behaviour, when I stumbled of this thread.
Even deselecting 'Auto-show Hidden Panel' doesn't work. I deselect it, next time I start AI it's selected again. It also keeps popping up regardless of the option selected or deselected.
PLEASE fix this, it's driving me absolutely insane! :(
Anonymous commented
It is **** annoying in deed. Adobe, pls fix it. The solution I implemented is, just parked the **** color panel in the bottom right corner and set it minimized, so it just do its buggy thing as least disturbing as possible and I soon got used to it being opening automatically as a thin bar on the bottom right, if you cant beat it, learn to live with it.
Micah commented
I found this page searching for a fix for this because it is so annoying to me. If they could fix that THAT'D BE GREAT
Chris commented
Thak you Alex!!!
"Alex commented · November 1, 2019 10:03 AM
Right click the color panel and deselect "auto-show hidden panels." Worked for me..." -
Stara commented
Please find a way to fix this issue. The color palette pop-up is more annoying than helpful. Users should have the ability to choose the layout of their workspace.
Victoria commented
Hey so, I've been trying to find an answer to this problem, but nothing. So I will comment to help being heard. Adobe needs to fix this thing up because IT'S TERRIBLY ANNOYIIIING!! PLEEEEASE
Bill commented
Seriously! Please fix this. Even if I close the color panel altogether it pops back up. Please help!