Keyboard shortcut to duplicate a layer and its content or an object
Please consider creating a keyboard shortcut that will duplicate a selected layer and its content, as in PsCC, for example.
In PsCC one can duplicate a selected layer and its contents by using either of two keyboard shortcuts: 1) 'Ctrl+J' -or- 2) 'Alt+(any up/down/left/right arrow)'.
In either case, the duplicated layer+content will appear above the selected layer.
Thank you.

Em Jay, yep, it’s a feasible workaround.
Actions are historically bound to -F-keys, and the only reason (I think) these are still limited is because the request to remove the limitation has only 16 votes:
Allow custom keyboard shortcuts for custom Actions (beyond the F1-F14 keys)I’ve added you as a voter for it, so it’s 17 now. -
Em Jay commented
How is this still not an option? I ended up just recording the steps as an Action and assigning a shortcut key. "Layer > Locate Object" (since the object has to be highlighted in the Layers Panel in order to duplicate it) followed by "Layer > Duplicate Selection. " The downside is that you can only duplicate one object at a time (i.e., not multiple paths, a group, etc.).
Also, why are shortcuts for Actions limited to function keys?
Eugen N commented
I agree with this. While this feature is available in After Effects, it's notably absent in Illustrator for some reason. Having the ability to duplicate objects and layers would bring consistency to the workflow between After Effects and Illustrator, making it more seamless and enjoyable.
Ctrl+C, Ctrl+F, I know....
But it’s slow.Especially if you have a lot of heavy linked files.
Also, if you try to use Copy and Paste in Front for objects that belong to different groups, Ai puts them all into the top one, instead of leaving all in their original groups — I never deselected these objects, so it should respect the order and place in front of selected objects!
Same happens if I use Copy option in Move dialog...
There are several scripts that workaround these problems, and a plugin even, but they are not as fast as Move command with Copy option: it should be a default command, don’t you think?
Aaron Radder commented
Yes please. It is frustrating trying to build AI files for After Effects import when there is no support for quickly duplicating layers.
E commented
Yes, please
Magimai Chetty commented
thank u
Anonymous commented
Please AI developers team, consider our request oooooooo!!!! Yes this would be very helpful. It can boost very precious seconds of our creativity !!!! Pleeeeeeease ☺
An commented
Yes this would be very helpful.
Anonymous commented
Also... please add to the Layers Panel Options, a checkbox for (as seen in Photoshops Layer Panel Options)
Add "copy" to Copied Layers and Groups.
If unchecked it does not add "copy." This would save so much time. Please. :)
Anonymous commented
Short Cut Duplicate Layer In illustrator ?
Jeff D commented
The copy+paste-in-front workaround is trash.