Blend objects aligned to path and keep bounding boxes at ends straight so they don't distort
Blend objects aligned to path and keep bounding boxes at ends straight so they don't distort. Have to make many long paths of wire shapes and to keep them aligned on the path the first and last keep distorting so I can't edit or reuse for a slightly different curve.

There is a way to customize the positions of blended objects with Object > Blend > Blend Options. You can choose 'Align to Page' Orientation to keep objects aligned as they were originally drawn, unlike 'Align to Path', which rotates objects so they get aligned perpendicularly to the curve.
However, 'Align to Page' is usually enabled by default, so you’d have to tick the option to get the result you describe... Can you please show the image you are getting? It’s hard to see what you mean without pictures.