Can we rename multiple layers in one go?
For example, we select 10 different layers, we right click and select "rename layer(s)" and then a prompt comes up where we type the name we want to assign to all the selected layers.

Margaret Trauth commented
oh since I've been asked a couple of times privately since that last comment: Mostly the rough edge in Sergey's rename script is UI stuff, especially the fixed dialogue size, which I believe is kind of down to the UI stuff Adobe makes available to scripts being pretty rough. In terms of functionality it’s done what I’ve needed quite handily; cloning it in Illustrator, except with a resizable window, would be a *heck* of a good start.
Note that his script renames not just artboards, but also layers and selected items. It would be delightful if the native "rename" functionality this feature request involves building was available for all of those places, as well as everywhere there's a list of things - ideally every single palette that has a list in it should have a 'rename' button in its bottom edge, or maybe a 'rename' item in its menu! If you implement this for just *one* kind of entity that we have a collection of, we *will* start asking for it everywhere else. I wouldn't be surprised if there's *already* separate requests out there for renaming swatches, styles, layers, brushes, etc.
Margaret Trauth commented
Sergey's script is a pretty good start but it has a lot of little rough edges. Put this in Illustrator.
Fabricio commented
Renomear layers em lote é maravilhoso!
While Adobe hesitates implementing this, use this amazing free script form Sergey Osokin to rename layers, artboards, objects, anything — at once, with a lot of features:
So cool. Why don’t we have it from the box already? -
Mike, for now use this awesome free script by Sergey Osokin to do that: -
Mike D commented
Allow users to select multiple layers and re-name them all at once. I prep layered files all the time for use in AE and often have layers that are all the same type (eg: box).
The user could shift-select the layers, then right-click and select "Re-name layers". Perhaps there could be an extra option (checkbox) to automatically number them, based on the order in which they were selected.
Alternately, you could add a keyboard modifier - so if they re-name a layer by double-clicking it, then if they hit Shift-Return, it would activate the name of the next layer down in the stack (Option-Return would be for the previous layer).
Anonymous commented
doesn't matter how its done, but we need something to rename multiple layers. Even hitting tab will not go to the next layer to copy paste the name just like in Photoshop.
Ken McGuire commented
It should be as simple as OSX finder rename selected items.
Toelio commented
This could be great, I miss all the right-click options on the layers in illustrator. Copy/paste/duplicate/rename group/ungroup etc. Have quick actions pop-up on a right click like in any other software would change my life. its weird this is missing in the first place.