Straight lines with Blob brush, like in Photoshop (Shift + click end point)
If only I could draw a straight line (not only 45 or 90 degrees), by holding shift + clicking the desired end point of the line, LIKE IN PHOTOSHOP, I am working with the blob brush tool (the most useful tool for me) and a Wacom tablet.
Use the line tool you say, NO THANKS, I need to stay with the blob brush tool
to work intuitively, PLEASE, this is actually a major limitation, why would we only want straight lines at 45 or 90 degrees? .... PLEASE check it out out, it really is essential!

Related to this request:
Straight lines with Eraser tool -
Nidhal Flowgun commented
This should have more votes. It would make it very easy and quick to create panels using the eraser tool. The function is great for making straight lines, which is more important in Illustrator than in Photoshop. It has to be implemented!
Jean-Jacques Tachdjian commented
y'a t il un problème technique qui empêche d'implémenter cette fonction?
mtefre commented
I much prefer how any angle works for the pencil tool (N): click + option + click end.
Should be the same for the blob tool as it will be a real time saver. An option for squares and circles would of course also be appreciated. -
Jean-Jacques Tachdjian commented
I agree with Robert, the eraser tool too would be very more useful if we could use it as a straight line tool, AND IN EVERY DIRECTIONS not only a 45° or 90°. Please let improve this in a next version of illustrator
mtefre commented
Missing that option. Would be a real time saver.