Right click lock unlock on layer will lock inverse and lock/unlock
Sometimes I have 10-20 layers, half of which are unlocked. i then want to work on just one so i would lick to right click the lock symbol and it isolates that layer, locking all others

It woks in Ai already. You have to hold Opt/Alt and click the lock icon next to the layer’s name. First click will unlock any other layers first, but second will lock all other layers but the one clicked.
Does it solve the problem?
Same works with Toggle Visibility column.
Photoshop does it a bit differently and skips the Show / Unlock All step.
What about Alt+click on the lock (or visibility) icon, as said below? Works for me.
Almir Omerhodzic commented
It works perfect in Adobe XD. If similar could be applied in AI , that would be awesome :D.
Anonymous commented
unless I am wrong.. on the Mac when you hold the option or command key and left click on the lock icon on the layer you want, all other layers lock.. is this what you are looking for? works as well for the eyeball on viewing layers.