Please remove the pop-up tip from the Color Themes panel
It's difficult to try out colors in this panel, because a pop-up tip appears right underneath your pointer every time. I'd love to see the "Click to set active color" pop-up removed, as it makes the colors difficult to select and it really isn't even that informative.

Anonymous commented
ALL OF THIS. I have just spent the best part of 30mins trying to figure out how to turn them off because they are actively preventing me from selecting the colours. So dumb.
Anonymous commented
What others have said - seriously annoying and unhelpful. All it does is slow down my work. Why does it not disable when disabling tool tips under preferences?
Please hurry up and get on with it
Steve Blacker commented
Even disabling tool tips in preferences doesn't get rid of it. It's a real pain...
Raina commented
Adobe, please for the love of god PLEASE DISABLE this. If the next update ONLY consisted of this, I would be happy. It's seriously annoying and very frustrating to have that thing pop up and interrupt all my work.
Anonymous commented
For ALL that is holy, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get rid of this tooltip. It's like hitting a roadblock every time I try to select a color from the Themes panel.
Jennifer commented
I hate this! It's making me crazy! When I first starting using CC I actually thought I couldn't use the color themes unless I loaded them into my swatches because these dumb pop-up tips were in the way! So annoying!
Chris commented
Adobe Ai Team - time for this UI to go!
No "click to set active color" OR "click to edit this theme" !!
Best part of it is when you accidentally click on this UI pop up that no one uses is that when you click to go back to 'My Themes' you have to scroll allllllll the way back down your custom library list to where you were.
Its not a big deal - except for those of us who do it for a living.
Anonymous commented
Yes please! This one is so annoying...
it even appears if you uncheck the "Show Tool Tips" in your General Prefs. (-_-) -
Anonymous commented
This annoying tipp on the Adobe-Color Themes Panel destroys the workflow. Everytime you hover over a color a message appears and stays there for like 2 seconds and makes you wait to select your color. please give this tipp another position.
Matt commented
Agreed. When moving from color to color, it gets in the way and you can't select the color if the tip is beneath your cursor. Please remove, or give the option to disable!
Matt commented
Unfortunately that doesn't fix it. The message doesn't seem to be a regular tool tip - it's even formatted differently than the pop ups elsewhere in illustrator and photoshop.
Russ commented
Uncheck the "Show Tool Tips" in your General Prefs.