Previous Zoom
A "Previous Zoom" or "Previous View" command which would change the zoom/magnification to the most recent zoom state. Also the option to center on selection or artboard. This will allow users to toggle between magnification of say 400% and 3200% or 5% and 1200% if they're regularly checking for details and positioning within a larger document which I do constantly in a prepress environment.

Marcílio commented
Hi mark.
I really appreciate your attention. Yes, I am aware of these shortcuts. But what I would really like was for the "traditional" zoom to come back, that is, to make a border on the area that you want to enlarge to get closer to what you have surrounded. Is different. Sometimes I am forced to enter wireframe mode - which remains with the traditional zoom - to enlarge the region I need to view. Of course, I could create a box in the region that I need to view, select it and apply Ctrl + ... but this work does not make sense since the zoom tool did this by default. What could be done would be an option in the Preferences for you to turn on / off the classic Zoom.
Mark commented
Select object. Control + to zoom into it or Control - to zoom away from it.
Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display - toggle Zoom to Selection on or off.
Marcílio commented
The zoom back as it is still in Photoshop and InDesign. That is, zoom from a selection made with the tool. Or the addition of a modifier key to have the zoom as was done in previous versions of Illustrator.
RJGFX commented
Agree with Michael's comment, returning to previous view transform is something I constantly wish were available and would greatly speed production, I know we can save views but its tedious and slows you down- often you just need to pop out to view from a greater distance but being able to immediately return back to the detail you were working on saves all the fumbling around with getting back to where you just were seconds ago
Richard Blackwell commented
Yes lets do this. So useful when using live paint tools to color fine details in a complex file.
Michael Borop commented
Great suggestion. Previous View, in which Illustrator would return to the previous zoom level and extent, would be better than Previous Zoom (without specifying extent) in my opinion.