Add option to Always update links
Sometimes I make a lot of changes within linked images. AI always asks if I am to update links, and I'd like to have this dialogue temporarily switched off (but enable it later)

As per Neeraj: it is possible to control the update behavior of links — automatically or manually. Go to Preferences > File Handling & Clipboard > Update Links.
It is possible to control the update behavior of links - automatically or manually. Go to Preferences > File Handling & Clipboard > Update Links.
Gordon McAlpin commented
I would like this to just always update without the dialogue box, personally. But some kind of option would be best for all users.
Ray commented
I would like the option to do the opposite (never update links or prompt to update), but share the same frustration of being asked to update links repeatedly. And if I just said no, why would I want to be asked again thirty seconds later?