Turn off Snap to Pixel by default for RGB documents
I don't know why this suddenly appeared as a default, but there should be a way to ALWAYS turn off Snap-to-pixel. I have to turn it off every time I open a new file.

ed commented
When did align to Pixel Grid become an active part of Illustrator? I finally discovered what was preventing me from aligning my art properly, it is the bloody abusive tool called Align to Pixel Grid. I am sure it is great for some artists, but for those of us who have to be precise it is an absolute pain. Is there a way to turn it off and on in preferences instead of adjusting for each piece of art/artboard I create? If not please get rid of it.
Ton commented
Why would that be useful in print and non web documents? Still there in 28.1
Ton commented
Still sticky in 27.2
Ton commented
And not fixed in 26.5
Ton commented
And it is still there in the 25.2.1 beta
Ton commented
It looks like Snap to Pixel is buggy in Illustrator 25.2
It remembers the setting for new documents even when these are based on a profile where it is turned off or on.
It remembers the setting even when Illustrator is closed and opened again.
Which means that if I turn snap to pixel Off and I create a new document based on a Web preset, is stays Off.
If snap to pixel is turned On and I create a new document based on a Print preset is stays On. -
Pete commented
Please implement a feature called, "Never ever (literally EVER) allow Snap to Pixel to be turned on." I think it's a setting that would prove useful for people like me that spend ages working on a document only to then wonder why absolutely NOTHING is properly aligned.
Anonymous commented
Honestly I am at the point now where I regret getting this program. Simple Things are made 10 times harder than they need to be.
Helga commented
I actually love the feature - but only when I'm working on web related documents. I would appreciate if the pixel perfect would be switched off by default for documents based on the print preset - and switched on by default for documents based on the web / mobile preset.
Scott Shaw commented
Please. Just add a toggle to turn it off. How hard can that be?
John commented
Bro, FIX this! People have been screaming about it for years and it would take literally half a day to fix.
Roxxie commented
This is seriously the most frustrating thing in Illustrator. I really don't understand why this is a default option in a vector program.
Please fix this, it shouldn't have been a default thing in the first place.
I behaves inconsistently, yes, this and other settings. Ai should remember all options we set and if we want it to remember them.
boomer commented
Every time I open or create a new document the SNAP to PIXEL or SNAP to GRID is on... despite I turn it off. I just switched from mac to pc and have never had that issue. I believe its exclusively a pc issue in which there is nothing that remembers your last preference for various panel options outside of just this one. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a solve cause its slowing me down. Thanks big time.
NikNow commented
This option already wasted many hours of (not only my) time. I doubt anyone ever uses it. I agree: this is really annoying!
But I found a workaround:
1. make a new file, turn off snap to pixel, turn on rulers etc etc --> save as template
2. choose new from template --> choose the template you created...this way you are safe from snap to pixel -
Griff commented
I've also noticed that it isn't consistent with different new documents. For example, when you make a new document based on the "Letter" sized template, Snap to Pixel's default is off. But if you start based on the "iPhone X" template, its default is on.
Phil commented
I'm switching to Affinity Designer just because of this. If they can't fix this, I'm out.
Nicholas Trylovich commented
This "feature" is terrible. Why would I want this defaulted? I've literally hotkeyed something I never use and turning it off has become a second nature keypress on every new doc I create.
Taylor Cashdan commented
Pleaseeeeeeee it’s 2020 and we deserve better 🤣
Evan commented
It is absurd how old this thread is and hasn't been fixed. Wasn't an issue for years and now all of a sudden I have to do this with EVERY document? Why would snap to pixel be the default in a VECTOR illustrator.
Seriously, fix this.