Previous versions of illustrator showed the id of individual elements within layers in the layers window
Previous versions of Illustrator would show the id of individual elements within layers in the layers window. Now they just show as "path" or "compound path." I generate maps as svg files from a database with a program of my own design and then import them into Illustrator for final editing. Sometimes there is a problem with one or more elements. Before I could go to Illustrator, select the problem element, and see in the layers window what its id was. Then I could go to my database and fix the problem. I can't do this anymore. I'm attaching a simple svg file as an example. Most of them have many more elements.
John, I am checking the SVG in the latest release, and all rivers and cities are named! Must have been fixe, can you check?
John Nelson commented
I am also attaching the source SVG file in case it might be helpful (saved as txt since .svg file were not allowed). The file does refer to 2 jpg files that are used for background but I didn't attach them as they have no bearing on the problem
John Nelson commented
Attached are 3 screen shots. One is of the SVG file showing how the elements have id's. Next is of an older version of AI showing how the id's used to be displayed. Finally is of the new AI that shows just the word path by each element. I don't use the older version any more but it is still there on a Windows 7 machine that I keep for running VB7 programs. The same SVG source file was used for both.
It would be be helpful if you could share a snapshot of the IDs you're referring to, from the previous version. It would help align on the expectations. Thanks!