Please allow to track time spent on a project in Illustrator

Carter commented
Procreate has a feature "canvas information- statistics" that tells you how many strokes have been made, TIME TRACKING, and file size. I would love to have access to this information in Illustrator. I would like the time tracker to know when to start and stop tracking the time- if I leave a file open over night- it should be able to recognize that no work is being done and pause the timer. Just add time tracking to the "Document Info" window please!
Nicholas Harrell commented
Need a mechanism for tracking time spent on drawing. Perhaps some kind of time stamp or punch clock.
Johanna Põldemaa commented
For any adobe software: simple statistics showing how long you’ve been working on a file. Very useful to all designers etc. who charge their clients hourly!
Sarah Tucker commented
Love it. I think it should pause the timer upon hitting SAVE TIMER. This would simultaneously save the artwork and pause the timer.
Megan Caruso commented
Adobe, we need a "time spent/worked" on a project in illustrator. Its important and will help artists to be paid fairly. Even procreate has this feature....... #help #adobe
Daisy Artica commented
It's important that it tracks just the time actively working on the file and not only the time the file is open. I often take breaks from files but I know I'm not done so I don't close them.
Moma Lo commented
Let’s keep pushing for this, it will help freelance designers to be paid fairly
Moma Lo commented
Procreate has this feature
Sonya Palma commented
It would be perfect if I could know how many time I have been spent on a project due to I have to count the hour of a work and I didn't use the toggle
Kylah Montgomery commented
It would be cool if Adobe Illustrator let you know how much time you’ve spent working on projects. I think it’d be pretty nice. #TheBestofBC
Anonymous commented
I'd also appreciate this feature. Sometimes at work I need to recall how much time I've spent adjusting the layout of client designs, a built-in counter would make that easy.
Dana commented
I also wanted to suggest this, it's a great idea! Not just for clients, but also for my own reference. I often just guess how much time I've spend working on something, I could be way off.
Would be great if the timer could detect if the application is actually in use, and pause counting for example when the browser or a different app is used and Illustrator is just running in the back.
This would be a great feature for any other App like Photoshop, too. -
Brook Banham commented
Please, please, please create an app or add-on that logs time spent working on a file so we can keep track of our hours. Not just the time an app is turned on, but while the mouse is moving and clicking on a particular file.
Thank you.
Bob, I remember we discussed in to be done for the AutoSaviour plugin from AstuteGraphics... Id don’t remember actually if it was implemented or not.
Bob Dries commented
Every designer or design company needs to keep his timetracking in order. Instead of second guessing or manually entering timetracking data in an external file all adobe products should keep active time per file/document.
Active time meaning the file is open and you are working inside it and not just counting standby time as well. Because with each change you keep a history, you could watch the history, if the history is changing adobe updates the timetracking for that file. You measure the time between two active periods. If the history is not changing during the last 10 minutes or so from the final change the timetracking stops and only starts after a new change has occured. This will kind of give a good estimate how long you are working for a client and on a specific file.
Vivek commented
Please make a feature to log the time spent on an AI document. As a freelancer, it helps me manage my billing hours.
Zakher commented
I like this idea. I want to know how much time I spent in a project. It could be part of the metadata of the file!
Melanie Skaff commented
Can we add a timer/clock, so for us freelance graphic designer can time on how long it takes us to design and know how much we should be charging our clients. Thank you!!